Cancer Caregiving

Supporting cancer patients & their loved ones

In cancer care, it is just as important to address the emotional needs of the patients and loved ones as it to treat the disease itself. A serious disease like this can shake someone’s worldview, and it can be easy to fall into depression. Remaining positive during these times is important. Stress makes it harder for the body to relax and heal, and more than that, it makes it harder to get through the day in general. Trying to talk yourself into staying positive is not easy—it’s a joint effort that can go much farther when you have a strong support system.

At RWJBarnabas Health, we provide training for cancer caregiving and provide our patients with the support they need. Whether you have been diagnosed with cancer or are trying to help a loved one, this is not a journey you need to make alone.

Who are cancer caregivers and what do they do?

In many cases, caregivers are not medical professionals; they are close friends or family of the patient who serve as their partner through treatment. We help people who want to be caregivers learn more about what the responsibilities entail and how they can help their loved one. This can be a challenging and emotionally demanding role, but one that can make a huge difference in the life of the patient.

Some of the responsibilities of a cancer caregiver may include:

  • Providing medication
  • Managing side effects
  • Keeping track of the patient’s condition and difficulties
  • Helping patients schedule and arrive at their doctor appointments
  • Making sure the patient has access to the doctor-recommended diet
  • Making sure the patient receives enough rest
  • Generally taking care of details and chores so patients can focus on healing

A benefit of having a close loved one take on this role is that they can continue the caregiving at the patient’s own home, allowing them to receive compassionate care in a comfortable setting from a familiar, trusted face.

We are here to help

Being a caregiver is not easy. It requires a lot from you, both physically and emotionally. Remember, just like you are there for your loved one, we are here for you. Our cancer care team does this work on a daily basis. We know how stressful and overwhelming this can be, and we are here to help you through it. If you need help caring for your loved one, or just need someone to talk to, the compassionate team at RWJBarnabas Health is ready to stand by your side.

Oncology Support Services

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