Weight Loss and Surgical Weight Loss Programs

Adult Weight Loss

ACS Surgical Quality Partner, MBSAQIP Metabolic and Bariatric Accreditation

RWJ University Hospital Rahway has a nonsurgical program to help with weight loss and health challenges. Working with a Registered Dietitian, the program is designed to help people focus on healthy eating. It is particularly helpful for those who have health challenges such as heart disease, lung disease, and hypertension. A prescription is required for this program.

The program is educational, focusing on understanding food, food labeling, portion control, calories, meal preparation, meal planning, as well as healthy snacking.

To register or for more information, call 732-499-6210.

About Our Surgical Weight-Loss Programs

Many patients struggle with their weight, but in some cases, lifestyle changes aren't enough to counter adverse health effects of obesity. We provide various surgical procedures that are clinically proven to help patients lose the weight they need to stabilize their health and transform their lives. If you are interested in weight loss surgery options, our friendly, knowledgeable team is ready to assist you.

Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgery—or "bariatric surgery"—involves reducing the size of the patient's stomach. This means that a patient will feel full sooner, eat less, and with the help of other lifestyle changes, reduce their weight.

Our bariatric surgery program has been recognized as a Center of Excellence.

Bariatric Surgery Informational Seminar with Dr. Anish Nihalani and Support Group

Learn More

Watch our video about the different options for bariatric surgery, and meet our team featuring
Dr. Anish Nihalani, Medical Director and Dianne Errichetti, Bariatric Coordinator, of the RWJ Surgical Weight-Loss Program at RWJUH Rahway.

Surgical Weight Loss Program

Patient Stories

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