
Helping individuals live a healthy life with diabetes, the RWJ Rahway Diabetes Self-Management Center offers individualized diabetes counseling sessions, group series classes and a free support group to address stress and psychosocial adjustments; nutrition, exercise and activity; medications; management options for improving glucose control; foot, skin and dental care; behavior change strategies, goal setting, risk factor reduction and problem solving for the best management of diabetes.

Our core team of diabetes educators who coordinate and run the program includes:

  • Lauren Bernstein, MS, RD, CDE – Diabetes Program Manager
  • Kanika Gandhi, RD, CDE

The hospital’s Diabetes Self-Management Center is nationally recognized by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). This recognition ensures patients and the community that our program meets the rigorous National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs and is approved by the diabetes community nationwide. Recognition also provides independent quality assurance for insurers and enables them to readily identify quality services for reimbursement purposes. Our team was a finalist for the 2014 Health Care Heroes Award.

We can also help you if you're prediabetic. Just because you are prediabetic doesn't mean diabetes is your destiny. You can change the situation. But if you don’t make lifestyle changes, you're 70% likely to develop diabetes. The risk of diabetes complications don’t occur after diagnosis. They start as soon as your blood sugar goes into the prediabetes range.

  • Normal: < 100mg/dl fasting blood glucose
  • Prediabetes: 100-125mg/dl
  • Diabetic: >125mg/dl

If your blood sugar is high, get an Hemoglobin A1C test. This test tells you how your blood sugar has been running on average over the past two to three months.

  • Normal: <5.7%
  • Prediabetic: 5.7% - 6.2%
  • Diabetic: >6.5%

Let us help you get control.

Contact Information
Diabetes Self-Management Center
Phone: 732-499-6109

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