Kindred Hospital

RWJ Rahway is home to Kindred Hospital New Jersey - Rahway, a 34-bed, long-term acute care hospital (LTACH), designed to focus on critically ill patients with serious and complex medical conditions that require intense specialized treatment for an extended period of time.

LTACHs provides highly advanced and focused care for patients who have not responded to short-term treatment in traditional general hospitals. The average length of stay in an LTACHs is 25 days as compared to a 3-5 day average in a general hospital. Patients appropriate for LTACHs include those who are ventilator dependent, suffering from multi-organ failure or deep wound ulcerations.

For more information about Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Rahway, please go to their website at

Patient Advocate for Kindred
Maria Fernandez at 732.669. 8209

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