Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) Guide
Thank you for choosing Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of care to our patients. The goal of this guide is to give you a better understanding of the PACU as you wait for your loved one to recover after anesthesia.
Length of Stay and Room Assignments
Every patient’s length of stay in the PACU is different, but on average, it is a few hours. This depends on factors such as the type of surgery, the patient’s response to surgery and anesthesia, medical history and room availability. A patient may have to stay longer than expected to ensure that the patient receives the best care and comfort possible.
Patients who are staying at the hospital will be assigned a room as soon as one is available. Although surgery is usually prescheduled, rooms are not assigned until the patient is in the PACU and a room is available. Some patients may need to wait longer for beds on the floors that care for their type of surgery as per their doctor’s orders. Room availability can be affected by emergencies and other unplanned events, etc. We appreciate your patience with this process.
Discharge from PACU
Depending on the type of surgery or procedure, a patient is discharged from the PACU to an appropriate inpatient room (for an extended stay), or back to the Surgery Center (before discharge home). This decision is based on several conditions, including: recovery from anesthesia, stable vital signs, normal temperature, and controlled pain and nausea. Depending on the surgery and type of anesthesia, a patient may require further medical care, necessitating a longer stay in the PACU.
After the discharge criteria are met, the patient is discharged by an anesthesiologist to an inpatient room or to the Surgery Center (if going home).
Surgical Communication Tracking Board
A communication board located in the waiting area tracks the patient’s location throughout the surgical process. You will be given an identification number known only to you so that you can track your loved one’s progress. The staff in the surgical waiting area can help with any questions you might have regarding the communication board.
Visiting the PACU
We know you are eager to see your loved one after surgery. We ask you please wait one hour after surgery to allow the PACU staff to concentrate on providing the best care possible. It is important that your loved one rests after surgery, which will help them receive the full benefit of their medications and care.
When your loved one is ready for visitation, one visitor may come in for a ten-minute visit with the patient. If there is no staff in the waiting area and it has been more than one hour after the end of surgery, you may use the phone in the waiting area to call PACU to inquire if the patient is ready for visitation. As Same Day Surgery patients’ stays are shorter, they do not have visitors in the PACU. Instead, they will see you on their return to the Surgery Center.
Visiting is limited in the PACU for the safety and confidentiality of patients. Visiting availability is always at the discretion of the PACU staff and may be limited in certain circumstances.
The PACU is a secure department. Visitors will be given directions about entering the PACU by greeters in the surgical waiting area. At the PACU doors, please pick up the white telephone to call the PACU to be let in by staff. Please do not try to enter PACU on your own or pull on the doors as this can break them.
We understand that it may be hard for you to see your loved one in pain or discomfort. The PACU team members are experts in caring for post-surgical patients and your loved one will receive the best care possible. Please do not feel that you must visit them in the PACU if you are not comfortable.
PACU Visitor Information
- Please use the white phone outside the PACU doors to be let in by the staff. Please wait behind the yellow line and allow staff to open the door. This may take a few seconds. Please do not pull on the door.
- Upon entry, please use the hand sanitizer or wash your hands.
- Adult Inpatients: One (1) visitor permitted at the bedside at a time after immediate anesthesia recovery is met. If additional visitors would like to visit, they may visit one at a time. All visitors may only stay at the bedside for 10 minutes.
- All Pediatric Patients: Two (2) parents/caregivers are allowed at the bedside after the immediate recovery period is complete. No time limit.
- Use of cell phones and cameras by visitors is not allowed.
- Food or drink is not permitted.
- Visitors must be 12 years of age or older.
- Please keep a calm and quiet environment so our patients can rest.
- Please follow all directions from the PACU staff.
- If you are sick, please do not visit as patients are at risk for infection.