Before Your Baby's Birth

Prenatal Testing

Prenatal testing

The Antenatal Testing Centers at Monmouth Medical Center provides expectant mothers with the latest in obstetrical technology and services to help meet their prenatal needs.

A medical team, consisting of physicians, nurses, technicians and counselors, delivers care in an environment that has been specifically designed to provide a variety of services, including:

  • Genetic counseling
  • High-resolution ultrasound
  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
  • Nonstress testing
  • Cardiac and Doppler scanning of the fetal heart

For more information on the Antenatal Testing Center, call 732-923-6533.

Childbirth Education

Community Health Education

Our Childbirth Training Center offers a host of childbirth preparation programs that are designed to meet the needs of parents-to-be and other family members. Programs are led by registered nurses who are certified in childbirth education. Presentations also are made by other health care professionals.

For more information on childbirth classes or to arrange for a guided tour of The Eisenberg Family Center, call 732-923-6990.

2020 Childbirth/Parenting Education Events
Virtual Programs

Childbirth Preparation Class

$100.00. This program will focus on what to expect during labor and birth, anesthesia choices, relaxation, breathing techniques and coping strategies. It will also address the immediate postpartum period and initial newborn care. For registration and more information call: 732.923.5024 or e-mailing

Baby Care Basics Class

$50.00. This program is designed to offer new parents information on basic care of a new baby. Bathing, dressing, feeding, infant growth and development, safety and other areas of concern to new parents are addressed. For registration and more information call:732.923.5024 or e-mailing


One of the best things we can do to as a start for our children is to provide them with the best nutrition available through breastmilk. Not only is your baby being fed a milk that is customized for them, but it passes on the benefit of the mother’s immune factors for as long as the baby receives breastmilk.

Breastfeeding not only is one of the most rewarding experiences of motherhood, it's the healthiest way to feed an infant during the first year of life. Monmouth Medical Center's newly expanded Breastfeeding Program is designed to provide women with information about the benefits of breastfeeding, as well as the skills to successfully nurse their babies.

The breastfeeding support program is designed to provide families with assistance while in the hospital, and through our new Anne Vogel Family Care and Wellness Center, before and after discharge. It is a program designed to help and support families in reaching their breastmilk feeding goals. As part of this program, inpatient and NICU nursing mothers can schedule a consultation with an internationally certified lactation consultant, a registered nurse with years of experience teaching breastfeeding.

During your stay at the hospital, you can expect to put your baby skin-to-skin and receive assistance with positioning and latching your newborn. Our mother-baby Registered Nurses (RN) and Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) are there to assist you with nursing your baby. Your baby’s first bath will be delayed to at least 8 hours to enhance the breastfeeding experience. Mothers and NICU mothers will receive an individual consultation during their hospital stay that discusses

  • Skin-to-Skin contact
  • How to use a breast pump
  • How often to feed the baby
  • Positioning with latching
  • How to know the baby is eating enough

Additionally, at Monmouth Medical Center’s Anne Vogel Family Care & Wellness Center at the Monmouth Mall in Eatontown, offers private prenatal consults and information on how to order a breast pump through insurance.

The center offers free support groups and the Breastfeeding Today Class that introduces prospective mothers and fathers to breastfeeding by providing information through an informal discussion on the process and techniques of breastfeeding. Topics include the advantages of breastfeeding, how to prepare and get started, concerns of working mothers and the role of the family. This class is taught by a Certified Lactation Consultant. For registration and more information call: 732-923-5024 or e-mailing

Virtual Eisenberg Family Center Tours

Click here to access the virtual tour for the Eisenberg Family Center Tour.

Monmouth also offers health care services and nutritional information to expectant mothers through the state-administered HealthStart program. For more information on the program, call 732-923-6701.

Easing the Admission Process

At Monmouth Medical Center, we encourage expectant mothers to complete pre-admission registration forms several months before entering the hospital to alleviate any admitting delays. This paperwork, including pre-admission, living will and photography consent forms and two general admission consents (one for you and one for your newborn) - complete with instructions - will either be given to you by your physician or arrive in the mail at your home.

If you have any questions regarding the requested information, call the pre-registration office Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 732-923-7018. Other times, call the main admitting office at 732-923-7200.

About Our Obstetrical Staff

Monmouth Medical Center's Obstetrical Staff

Monmouth Medical Center's attending medical staff includes nearly 50 highly trained obstetricians - the vast majority of whom are board-certified or eligible in the discipline and other subspecialties. As a leading community teaching hospital, eight resident obstetricians/gynecologists work alongside our teaching medical faculty and nursing staff. In addition, certified nurse-midwives provide care to low-risk obstetrical patients. For a referral to a physician, perinatologist, nurse-midwife, or a pediatrician, call the RWJBarnabas Health Link at 1-888-724-7123.

Selecting Your Baby's Doctor

Parents-to-be are encouraged to select and visit their child's physician before the baby is born. It's important to ask questions that pertain to the practice's availability in emergencies, after-office hours, scheduling well visits and sick visits, and billing procedures.

Monmouth Medical Center's medical and dental staff includes more than 100 pediatricians and physicians with pediatric subspecialty training.

Packing Your Hospital Bag

Here’s a checklist of what you should bring with you to the hospital.


These items should be kept in a separate tote bag.

  • Something to use as a focal point to help in relaxation while you're in labor
  • Snacks for coach and lollipops for mom
  • Heavy socks for cold feet
  • Lotion and powder for massage
  • Lip balm
  • Coins for vending machine and telephone
  • Telephone numbers of family and friends
  • Notepad and pencil


  • A nightgown, robe and slippers
  • A comfortable, loose-fitting outfit to wear home
  • Toiletries, including soap, toothbrush and tooth paste, deodorant and hair care items


  • Receiving blanket
  • Homecoming infant outfit, including undershirt
  • Bunting, sweater or other type of outerwear, depending on the weather
  • Socks
  • Properly installed infant car seat
    (This is required under New Jersey law.)

The Focus of The Family Center always will remain on the mother, baby and family together.

Patient Stories

Patient Stories

  • Watch Testimonial