EndoFLIP Impedance Planimetry System

EndoFLIP is a minimally invasive medical device used to enhance current procedures such as the endoscopy, and is a technology that simultaneously measures the area across the inside of a gastrointestinal organ such as the esophagus and the pressure inside that organ.

Using the EndoFLIP impedance planimetry system, gastroenterologists are able to help further the diagnosis for those with dysphagia, or persistent difficulty swallowing. A range of conditions can cause dysphagia, including esophageal motility disorders, which happens when esophageal muscles aren’t working correctly. This affects how food and liquids move from the mouth to the stomach. It often mimics the symptoms of GERD, including frequent heartburn, sore throat, and regurgitation. For those who suffer dysphagia, an upper endoscopy (EGD) alone often is not enough to gain a diagnosis.

The system uses a balloon mounted on a thin catheter placed transorally at the time of a sedated endoscopy to measure the pressure and dimensions in the esophagus — giving physicians additional data to better diagnose, and ultimately treat, esophageal disorders. The procedure can be administered at the same time as an EGD, so it doesn’t require an additional appointment or another round of sedation. For the patient, a diagnostic EndoFLIP procedure feels just like an EGD.

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