ElevATe Your Career: Career Advancement Tips for the Growing AT Professional
New Jersey Athletic Trainers: take advantage of this exciting educational event:
“ElevATe Your Career: Career Advancement Tips for the growing AT Professional”
2.0 BOC approved CEs - Cost: FREE (BOC Provider ID P10032)
Presenters: Chris Meny MS, ATC, PES & Ryan Stevens MPS, ATC, CSCS
Thursday 11/18/21, 9:30a-11:30a
Iron Peak Sports & Events - Hillsborough, NJ
RSVP asap for this exclusive event - registration is limited to the first 24 athletic trainers!
Target Audience: Certified Athletic Trainers looking for personal and professional career growth and enhanced opportunities to make an impact through our profession.
Objectives: After this event Athletic Trainers will:
- understand and develop decision making skills regarding career advancement
- be able to put into practice networking and collaboration skills to enhance career growth
- be able to develop and utilize Ethos-based decision making skills for career development
- demonstrate approaches to create an inspirational work environment that is rewarding to be a part of
- have the tools to write outcome-based critical job elements to guide your growth
Event Structure:
- Hour 1: Lecture
- Hour 2: Lab - activities to implement key seminar points
BONUS: Those ATs who register will also have the option of receiving additional bonus individualized mentorship outside of this event in the following two areas:
- The AT can submit their resume and cover letter in advance via email and receive constructive feedback to enhance your likelihood of getting interviews in the job setting you're seeking
- The AT can have their LinkedIn Profile reviewed and receive individualized feedback on how to enhance their “digital resume”
Registration Deadline; Monday 11/15/21. Register online, and after registration you will receive instructions on how to take advantage of the Bonus Features listed above!