About our Anchor Mission
In 2017, RWJBH launched the Social Impact & Community Investment practice to address the social determinants of health, with the goal to improve health outcomes, promote health equity, and eliminate health care disparities. The practice also spearheads our anchor mission, which is to leverage our health system’s economic power, in partnership with the community, to mutually benefit the long-term well being of both. Therefore, RWJBH seeks to promote local supplier diversity in New Jersey. We promote inclusive local economies through our HIRE BUY INVEST LOCAL strategy.
Buy Local 5-Year Progress at a Glance (2019-2023)
We recognize that where you live, work and play affect health outcomes and we are committed to supporting the economic stability of our communities by increasing our local supplier diversity.
$227 million
Total Spend in New Jersey
$ 116.6 million
Total spend with Minority-owned Businesses in NJ
$ 55.3 million
Total spend with Woman-owned Businesses in NJ
$ 51.2 million
Total spend with Small Businesses in NJ
$ 5.1 million
Total Spend with Veteran-Owned and Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses in NJ (DVOB)
* This does not include our contruction spend