Infant Care

Infant Care

At The Eisenberg Family Center, we deliver the most babies of any hospital in Monmouth and Ocean counties. Within the center, the Scire Family Baby Nursery is equipped with the latest technology so that highly trained nurses and other professionals can provide ‘round-the-clock care.

The Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

The Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is uniquely equipped to meet the needs of infants born too early or too small, or who require special care or surgery.

In 1968, Monmouth became the first hospital in New Jersey and the first community hospital in the country to establish a newborn intensive care unit, and today, it is the region’s largest state-designated Level III neonatal intensive care unit.

It has one of the highest survival rates among neonatal intensive care units in the country and ranks in the top one-third for survival among such units that participate in Vermont/Oxford Network’s international database for benchmarking.

Rapid Genetic Testing for Critically Ill Infants

We offer state-of-the-art, rapid genetic testing when time is of the essence. Whole genome sequencing (or sequencing of all the genetic material of a person) can identify the root cause of rare genetic disorders and diseases in some of the sickest infants by a simple blood test.

Through a collaboration between Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine (RCIGM), we offer rapid Whole Genome Sequencing (rWGS) to help diagnose unexplained medical conditions in newborns and infants who need immediate intervention.

In most medically urgent cases, RCIGM delivers preliminary diagnoses in as little as 3 business days compared to standard testing that can take 4 to 6 weeks or more. Doctors can then provide a precise diagnosis and administer targeted, sometimes lifesaving care at a time when the therapeutic window is often very small.

Preemies Growth & Development - Dr. Susan Hudome

A common question on feeding and growing, and losing weight right after birth. With preemies, it can take a little longer for them to reach their lowest point and a little longer for them to pick up and gain weight.

Watch more NICU videos.

The Michael’s Feat Family Resource Room

The Michael’s Feat Family Resource Room provides a “living room away from home” for families with critically ill newborns. This new room has been designed to bring comfort to patients’ families during their stay at the NICU, and is available to families 24 hours a day.

Synagis Program

A Synagis Program provides premature infants with injections of Synagis, a monoclonal antibody that is specifically designed to neutralize Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infections, which typically necessitate hospitalization for such children. RSV can lead to a serious highly contagious lower respiratory tract disease and is the leading cause of pneumonia and severe, sometimes fatal, respiratory tract infections in at-risk infants.

Regional Newborn Extension Program

A Regional Newborn Extension Program for infants who begin their lives in The Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation Neonatal Intensive Care Unit enables them to be screened and evaluated as they grow up. The Regional Newborn Extension Program provides state-of-the-art developmental screening and evaluation services. Infants are monitored at periodic intervals in all areas of growth and development by an interdisciplinary team of professionals.

Patient Stories

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