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Infectious Disease Program

Pediatric Medicine

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Program provides evaluation and therapy for children with a variety of infections including:

  • Lyme disease
  • Recurrent fever / infection
  • Immune-deficiency disorders
  • HIV

Our Physicians

Hand Washing - Infections

Dr. Fisher likes to prevent infections in children rather than try to cure them after the fact. What can you do to keep your baby safe? A simple thing like hand washing goes a long way.

How Do I Know If My Child Has Lice?

What do you do if and when you get a note from your child's school, telling you that there are head lice in their class? Do you panic, do you go to see your doctor?

Patient Stories

  • After open heart surgery, 7-year-old Lily's biggest concern was the availability of blue ice pops and the unpleasant taste of acetaminophen. “Considering that she had open heart surgery, I'll take those complaints any day!” said her mother, Denise.

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  • When reflecting back on his time in the Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program, Adrian said, “I had fun the entire time.”

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  • “Her health problem was very stressful for us, but that’s all gone now — because she’s OK.”

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Patient Stories

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