Program Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations

Nursing courses are recorded in terms of semester hours. One course semester hour of credit is equivalent to a 50-minute period of theoretical class work and three-hours of clinical course work per week per semester. A Fall and Spring semester consists of the equivalent of 15 weeks of regularly scheduled student instructional activity and a two-week exam period.

Curriculum Progression and Course Requirements Policy

Students are responsible for their specific curriculum plan. This means that each student has a working knowledge of all curriculum course requirements (including general education courses and electives) and timeframes for program track completion. The student is expected to maintain his/her own personal record of courses completed, course grades; and is expected to ensure the accuracy of these records.

The following Curriculum Progression policies are in effect:

  • A grade of C+ or better is required to pass each NURE nursing course and progress to the next course.
  • A grade of C or better is required for all curriculum science courses.
  • Students must successfully complete each nursing course in the correct sequence as outlined within the appropriate curriculum track to progress to the next nursing course.
  • Students cumulative grade point must be maintained at 2.5 or above to progress to the next nursing course and to graduate.
  • If a student receives a grade of C, D, D+ or F in a nursing course and wishes to repeat that course, the student must submit a reentry application. Re-entry into a nursing course is not guaranteed.
  • Students are permitted two course withdrawals while enrolled in the School of Nursing. Withdrawing for a third time from any nursing course will require the permission of the dean and may result in program dismissal. NURE course withdrawal must be done prior to the Union College published withdrawal deadlines. Please refer to the Student Handbook for the complete Withdrawal Policy.
  • Two failures (letter grade below C+) in any nursing (NURE) course will result in program dismissal.
  • The theory and clinical components of nursing courses are not separate, students who repeat a nursing course are required to take both the theory and clinical components of the course.

Graduation Requirements

Eligibility for the Diploma in Nursing and the Associate in Science degree is dependent upon completion of the Cooperative Nursing Program curriculum requirements with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 and successful completion of all required and elective curriculum courses. A student must fulfill all financial/library obligations prior to graduation.

It is the student’s responsibility to determine if the required courses to receive the Diploma in Nursing and the Associate in Science degree have been successfully completed.

NOTE: A criminal history background check is required by the NJ Board of Nursing and is part of the application process to be approved to take the NCLEX-RN licensing examination.

Attendance Policy

The TSON Student handbook and UCC Handbook outline attendance policies. Consult the respective handbook for details.

Incomplete Grades

The course instructor, in cases of illness or extenuating circumstances, may assign an “incomplete” grade if the student has informed the instructor of the circumstances in advance. The student assigned an “Incomplete grade” is required to successfully complete all outstanding course work by the sixth week of the next regular semester or the incomplete grade is converted to a failing or F grade. It is the student’s responsibility to make acceptable arrangements with the instructor to complete the course requirements within this period.

If a student receives an incomplete grade in a nursing course, then the student must complete that course successfully before enrolling in the subsequent nursing course.

Please refer to the TSON Student handbook and the UCC Handbook for additional information.


Students are permitted two nursing (NURE) course withdrawals while enrolled in the School of Nursing. Students with more than two NURE course withdrawals are ineligible for NURE course reentry, unless extenuating circumstance withdrawal approval is obtained from the Dean. NURE course withdrawal must be done prior to the Union College published withdrawal deadlines. Please refer to the Student Handbook for the complete Withdrawal Policy.

Probation and Academic Dismissals

A student may be placed on probation at the end of a semester for academic deficiency. A student will be placed on probation on the basis of an unsatisfactory cumulative grade point average based on the number of credits taken.

Two failures in a NURE course will result in an academic dismissal. There is no readmission with two nursing failures except as noted below.

Readmission into the Nursing Program

Students who have two nursing course failures will not be considered for readmission unless they are requesting reentry into the last course of their specified curriculum. If a student should fail the final course for a second time, he or she is ineligible for readmission.

Re-Entry and Withdrawal

Detailed information on re-entry and course withdrawals may be found on this web site and in the TSON Student handbook.


A student may file a grievance for a decision made by the Promotion and Evaluation Committee at the School. More detailed information is available in TSON Student handbook online and posted on the Canvas Learning Management System Community Shell.


A student may audit a nursing course after discussion and agreement with the Dean of the School of Nursing. No clinical experiences or testing are included in nursing course audits. An auditing fee may be charged.