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Current StudentsThe Daisy Award

The Daisy Award

Recognition for extraordinary nursing students

Daisy Award GiftsClick here to recognize a NURE 232 or NURE 290 senior nursing student who exemplifies exceptional compassion, advocacy, or leadership. The student who consistently demonstrates above-and-beyond care and compassion to patients and their families.

The DAISY Foundation was established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes who died at 33 of ITP, an auto-immune disease. The Foundation focuses on the nursing profession through recognition programs for nurses, nursing faculty and nursing students.

Please complete and then print the Nomination Form. Return your nomination to the Daisy Collection Box in the TSON 3rd floor lobby.

If you have any questions, email devera-bonilla@ucc.edu.

Submission Deadlines:

For the Fall semester, the submission deadline is December 13th.
For the Spring semester, the submission deadline is May 7th.

Congratulations to the Daisy Awardees:

  • January 2024

    Frances Acosta

    Frances Acosta

  • June 2024

    Diana Cueva

    Diana Cueva

  • January 2023

    Pham Linh Dan Tran

    Pham Linh Dan Tran

  • June 2023

    Elizabeth Rodriguez

    Elizabeth Rodriguez