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Current Students

Current Students

Student Demographics

TSON Students in-class, cultural heritage presentation, ethnic clothing worn in their native countries of West Africa and Zimbabwe

Trinitas School of Nursing (TSON) TSON is a pre-licensure nursing program located in the city of Elizabeth, New Jersey, an extremely diverse urban community in Union County. In 2022, Elizabeth reported a population of 134,283 with 39% African American, 12% Caucasian individuals and 33% Hispanic individuals (Quick Facts, Elizabeth, NJ, July 2022).

Diversity is valued by the school as evidenced by the composition of our staff, faculty, and students. The diversity at TSON reflects the community in which it resides. Eighty-two (82) percent of our students represent ethnic minority groups.

Graduates from our program contribute to the cultural diversification of our nursing workforce, meeting the health care needs of Union County and the State of New Jersey.

In the academic year of 2023, the demographic profile of the school showed that: 39% of the students were African American, 8% Asian, 12% Caucasian and 33% Hispanic. Eighty-seven percent (87%) of the students identify as female and 13% male. The average age of our student body is thirty (30). (TSON Enrollment Data, 2023).

chart: 2023 student profile by gender

Chart: 2023 student profile – gender

2023 student profile by ethnicity

Chart: 2023 student profile – ethnicity

2023 student profile by age

Chart: 2023 student profile – age