About Us

Crisis Assessment Response and Enhanced Services (CARES) is a statewide clinical outreach service for individuals with a dual diagnosis of Mental Illness/Developmental Intellectual Disabilities (MIDD). The team provides primary crisis response to Screening Centers. Referrals from other agencies and individuals will be triaged for response. There are extensive follow-up interventions and crisis stabilization in the community. The CARES team will utilize electronic communication devices and electronic medical records in the field. This allows immediate access to previous history, prompt consultation with supervisors and team members in coordinating treatment and follow up. A Learning Collaborative is established to provide unique and specialized trainings, utilizing video teleconferencing, along with on-site training and webinars.

Our goal is to provide adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and co-occurring mental health and behavioral disorders, with effective treatment interventions designed to promote wellness, recovery and community tenure. The CARES program advocates for appropriate level of care in mental health and averting unnecessary emergency room visits and hospitalizations of individuals who can be managed in place.


Individuals who are 21 years old and over, with a dual diagnosis of Mental Illness and Developmental Intellectual Disabilities may be referred for CARES services. Referrals may come from throughout the state.

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