Sleep Disorder Treatment for Adults and Children

Get the Rest You Need

Healthy, regular sleep is key to maintaining your well-being. If you or a loved one have difficulty getting a full night's rest, you may be struggling with a sleep disorder. Our physicians and sleep specialists have helped countless patients identify and overcome their sleep disorders. To learn more about our sleep disorder treatment options, contact us today.

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Common Sleep Disorders in Adults

Sleep disorders come in a variety of forms, each with their own specific symptoms and causes. At our facilities, we use sleep testing to zero in on which particular disorder our patients might be suffering from, then administer the treatments needed to minimize its effect on the patient's sleep cycle.

Some of the most common disorders we see in adults are:

  • Sleep apnea. Sometimes snoring isn't just an annoyance — it can be an actual threat to one's health. Sleep apnea prevents a patient from receiving the oxygen they need as sleep and even stop them from breathing without waking them up.
  • Insomnia. Patients who cannot fall or stay asleep suffer from insomnia. This sleep disorder can occur in a number of ways and has numerous causes. Speak to your sleep specialist to learn more about treatment options.
  • Nightmares. Children are often affected by nightmares growing up, but it can also affect adults from time to time. It is often caused when facing an elevated level of stress in your day-to-day life, and can also be caused by the use or consumption of alcohol and drugs. Frequent nightmares should be brought to the attention of your doctor.
  • Restless leg syndrome. Some patients find that, when they lay down for bed, their legs feel itchy or agitated — preventing them from getting a good night sleep. While anyone can suffer from restless leg syndrome, it is most common in women.
  • Reversed/shifted circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm refers to the natural stages our body goes through while sleeping. Irregular sleep schedules can shift or even reverse this rhythm and contribute to depression and other mental health issues.

If you believe you suffer from any of these disorders — or are just struggling to get a full night's rest — our specialists are ready to hear from you. Our facilities use the latest diagnostic methods to pinpoint what our patients are struggling with and provide cutting-edge treatments and cognitive behavioral therapies to help them get a good night’s rest once again.

    Pediatric Sleep Disorders

    Good sleep is essential for children to grow and function optimally. Sleep provides the body with an opportunity to conserve energy and rejuvenate. It promotes physical growth and mental development.

    However, it can be challenging for some children to fall asleep and stay asleep.

    Some children will experience health problems such as weight abnormalities. A child with a sleep disorder can impact the entire family, too, including the sleep of their siblings.

    Examples of pediatric sleep disorders include:

    • Insomnia
    • Arousal disorders
    • Delayed sleep phase disorder
    • Obstructive sleep apnea
    • Central sleep apnea
    • Upper airway resistance syndrome
    • Parasomnias, sleepwalking, sleep talking and night terrors
    • Excessive daytime sleepiness
    • Restless leg syndrome
    • Sleep–related movement disorder
    • Narcolepsy

    For children, sleep problems can have a significant impact because children are not simply miniature adults. Children are constantly developing and changing, and the consequences of poor sleep can include:

    • Daytime agitation
    • Behavioral problems
    • Hyperactivity
    • Attention deficits
    • Impaired academic performance

    Does My Child Have a Sleep Disorder?

    Parents may have difficulty detecting a sleep problem in their child, especially because sleep needs change considerably in a child’s first few years of life as they mature and develop.

    Newborns require significant sleep throughout the day and have a fragmented sleep/wake cycle, whereas infants can sleep for more extended periods at about 5 months of age. As children grow older, their sleep periods lengthen and total sleep time decreases.

    Your child may have a sleep disorder if you notice they have difficulty breathing as they sleep, which is an indicator of possible obstructive sleep apnea.

    While about 10 percent of children snore nightly, only 1 in 5 has sleep apnea and may require surgical treatment such as adenotonsillectomy (removal of the adenoids and tonsils).

    It can be difficult for parents to detect sleep apnea in their children, because childhood symptoms are more subtle than those in adults.

    Children require objective testing to clinically diagnose regular snoring from obstructive hypoventilation.

    How Are Sleep Disorders Diagnosed in Children?

    Polysomnography (sleep studies) enable sleep specialists to make a definitive diagnosis of a sleep disorder such as obstructive sleep apnea.

    It is important for parents to take note of their child’s:

    • Recent changes in routine
    • Social stressors
    • Academic performance
    • Other medical conditions

    These are all factors that can impede a child’s sleep routine and are essential to assess to help with the diagnosis of sleep disorders. However, many disorders cannot be reliably diagnosed through parents’ anecdotes, clinical histories or physical examinations.

    Connect with a Pediatric Sleep Specialist

    The Sleep Study Program

    We use sophisticated diagnostic equipment that is safe for both adults and children. Diagnosing a sleep disorder typically requires patients to participate in an overnight study where we can observe brain waves and sleep habits. This is done in a comfortable, home-like environment designed to help patients feel relaxed.

    Sleep disorder testing may include:

    • Polysomnograms. An overnight sleep study where patients are attached to noninvasive monitors that measure brain waves, breathing, and muscle movement. The test is pain free and patients are able to move around freely
    • Pediatric sleep tests. We offer one of the only sleep studies in New Jersey designed for children. This process is similar to a standard polysomnogram, except that a parent or guardian stays with the child.
    • CPAP triation. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device is a small mask worn over the nose to treat patients with sleep apnea, a condition that makes it difficult to breathe while sleeping. You may be asked to wear one of these during your sleep test.
    • PAP nap. This is a hands-on training course that takes place before your sleep study where our staff instructs you on how to use a CPAP.
    • Multiple sleep latency test. This test is done after the initial sleep test. You will be asked to take a series of naps throughout the day and make note of your energy levels.
    • Maintenance of wakefulness testing. This test is often required for truckers and other individuals who need high levels of alertness for their job. Throughout the day you will be given several tests to evaluate your alertness while awake.
    • Polysomnography with full EEG monitoring. This is a more comprehensive form of sleep studies wherein patients are monitored with an EEG to determine whether or not they are suffering seizures in their sleep.

    What Happens During a Sleep Study?

    During a sleep study, a sleep technician will place sensors on different areas of the body, such as the head, chin, legs, and around the eyes.

    An elastic belt around the chest and belly or stickers on the chest and belly can measure breathing.

    During sleep, the sleep technician will check the eye movements, heart rate, breathing patterns, brain waves, blood oxygen level, snoring, and body movements/sleep positions.

    Results from the sleep study may take a few weeks, and your referring physician will schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss their findings and recommended treatments.

    Treatments for Sleep Disorders

    Sleep disorders are most often treated with lifestyle changes. Once a doctor has determined the cause of the problem, they can help develop a plan to get your sleep schedule back in order. Medication and diet changes are often involved.

    Trying to recover from a sleep disorder on your own can be difficult, especially if you don’t know what’s causing it. Our skilled sleep care team knows what kinds of behaviors prevent and aid in getting a full-nights rest. We’re ready to help you put an end to this problem.

    Treatments for sleep disorders depends on the nature of the sleep problem.

    • Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids is the first line of treatment for sleep apnea.
    • A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) machine may need to be used to ensure a smooth and easy flow of air to the lungs during sleep.
    • Medications including iron may be used to treat restless legs syndrome.
    • Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) can be helpful if the problem is inability to sleep.

    Let's be healthy together. Contact us today to learn more about our sleep disorder treatment options.

    Patient Stories

    Patient Stories

    • Watch Testimonial
    RWJ Physician Enterprise Sleep Center
    593 Cranbury Road
    East Brunswick, NJ 08816
    (732) 613-0021
    Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center
    94 Old Short Hills Road
    Livingston, NJ 07039
    (973) 322-5000
    Monmouth Medical Center
    300 Second Avenue
    Long Branch, NJ 07740
    (732) 222-5200
    Clara Maass Medical Center
    1 Clara Maass Drive
    Belleville, NJ 07109
    (973) 450-2000
    Community Medical Center
    99 Highway 37 West
    Toms River, NJ 08755
    (732) 557-8000
    Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
    201 Lyons Avenue at Osborne Terrace
    Newark, NJ 07112
    (973) 926-7000
    Children's Hospital of New Jersey at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
    201 Lyons Avenue at Osborne Terrace
    Newark, NJ 07112
    (973) 926-7000
    Jersey City Medical Center
    355 Grand Street
    Jersey City, NJ 07302
    (201) 915-2000
    The Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital at RWJUH
    200 Somerset Street
    New Brunswick, NJ 08901
    (732) 828-3000
    RWJ University Hospital Rahway
    865 Stone Street
    Rahway, NJ 07065
    (732) 381-4200
    RWJ University Hospital Somerset
    110 Rehill Avenue
    Somerville, NJ 08876
    (908) 685-2200
    Trinitas Regional Medical Center – Williamson Street Campus
    225 Williamson St
    Elizabeth, NJ 07202
    (908) 994-5000
    The Unterberg Children's Hospital at Monmouth Medical Center
    300 2nd Avenue
    Long Branch, NJ 07740
    (732) 923-7250
    RWJ University Hospital Hamilton
    1 Hamilton Health Place
    Hamilton, NJ 08690
    (609) 586-7900
    Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus
    600 River Avenue
    Lakewood, NJ 08701
    (732) 363-1900
    Center for Sleep Disorders at Jersey City Medical Center
    410 Jersey Avenue
    Jersey City, NJ 07302
    (201) 915-2020
    Center for Sleep Disorders
    67 Highway 37 West
    Riverwood 1 Building
    Toms River, NJ 08755
    (732) 557-2798
    Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical Group
    18 Centre Drive
    Clinical Academic Building (CAB)
    New Brunswick, NJ 08901
    (609) 655-5178
    RWJ Sleep Center
    331 Route 206 North
    Second Floor, Suite 2A
    Hillsborough, NJ 08844
    (908) 927-8795

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