Pediatric Athletic Screenings

teen girl playing basketball

All across New Jersey, families come together to support and enjoy children’s and adolescent athletics. Participating in competitive sports is a great way for children to learn about teamwork while partaking in physical activity, but ensuring your child’s health before game play should be a priority.

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The Matthew J. Morahan III Health Assessment Center for Athletes is a system-wide program that provides education, evaluation, and assessment of sports injury and sports-related cardiac and concussion screenings. This program is available as a comprehensive resource for cardiac and concussion concerns in athletes and is committed to educating athletes, parents, coaches, and athletic trainers about sudden cardiac death and concussion issues.

The Matthew J. Morahan III Health Assessment Center for Athletes (MJM) is a statewide program offering young athletes access to free and low cost cardiac screenings and baseline concussion testing through satellite centers throughout New Jersey.

Each MJM satellite facility incorporates the Morahan Center’s medical resources, emergency room protocol for concussion evaluation, follow-up testing, and post-concussion care under the leadership of an expert team of specialists and neurologists. In addition, our system has a mobile unit that travels throughout the state to conduct screenings, making it easier for young athletes to receive proper care.

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Patient Stories

  • “Her health problem was very stressful for us, but that’s all gone now — because she’s OK.”

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