Ocean County Prevention Hub

Prevention Hub Banner
For youth and families to thrive in a safe and healthy environment, communities must address the numerous risk factors that lead to the early use of alcohol and other drugs, often the first step on a path to addiction.

The statewide system of Prevention Hubs provides evidence-based prevention education, interventions, strategies, and programs to support all sectors of our community, including youth, parents, schools, law enforcement, faith-based organizations, etc.

The Prevention Hub of Ocean County is hosted by RWJBarnabas Health Institute for Prevention and Recovery and connects residents and professionals with prevention resources and services, building resilience in our local communities.

Prevention Warmline

warmlineThe Ocean County Prevention Warm Line is a clear connection point to access both evidence-based prevention programs for youth and families, as well as information and referral for those in need of assistance with navigating local and state family support services being offered by the Prevention Hub and beyond.

Trained staff are available on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to connect callers to local and state-level resources and other supportive services.


Individual and Family Programs

preventurePreVenture is an evidence-based prevention program that uses personality-targeted interventions to promote mental health and skill development and delay youth substance use. PreVenture is designed to help at-risk youth ages 12-17 learn useful coping skills, set long-term goals, and channel their personality towards achieving them. Prevention Hub staff is trained in delivery of PreVenture and partners with Ocean County community-based organizations to train staff and implement the PreVenture program in schools and youth settings across the county.

LGBTQ+ Efforts - The PROUD Youth Prevention Network provides trainings and technical assistance focused on LGBTQ+ youth to improve prevention strategies and linkages to programs within the clinical, community, and school settings. This program also aims to increase the capacity of and collaboration between community and clinical agencies, programs, and services that serve LGBTQ+ youth and their families. We work to strengthen the network of services, resources, and partners that promote positive health outcomes for LGBTQ+ young people in Ocean County, as well as for our neighbors in the southern region of New Jersey.

marijuana cannabis educationMarijuana/Cannabis Education - Prevention Hub staff have extensive experience working with youth and families on providing education on a range of topics related to substance use, risk and protective factors, and community-based resources. Staff are able to provide educational opportunities in a variety of settings on marijuana/cannabis and the impact legalization will have on our youth and communities.

over the counter medicationsOver-the-Counter Medications - Prevention Hub staff are trained to deliver a nationally recognized curriculum developed by the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) and Johnson & Johnson on the dangers of OTC medication use and how to safely use and store these medications. Prevention Hub staff also provide Medication Management presentations to older adult communities in Ocean County. These presentations are available to youth, parents, older adults, and the community at large.

strengthening familiesStrengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based family life skills program for high-risk families that focuses on strengthening parenting skills and children’s social skills. SFP helps parents build on their strengths in bonding and showing love, giving positive attention, setting limits, and practicing mindfulness. SFP helps youth develop skills for building positive future relationships, resilience, problem solving, feeling identification, and peer resistance. Prevention Hub staff is trained in facilitating the Strengthening Families Program.

Changing Systems to Promote Youth Wellness

toolkitSchool and Municipal Toolkits: Marijuana/Cannabis Policy Guidance - Reviewing policies and procedures regarding cannabis use has become a critically important exercise for schools, law enforcement, and businesses. The Prevention Hub assists these groups and community members in navigating New Jersey’s new cannabis laws and their impact on youth, families, and commerce. Prevention Hub staff can also provide technical assistance to municipalities through the use of the Municipal Level Toolkit.

promoting screeningPromoting Screening - The Prevention Hub and its staff advocate for the use of state-of-the-art screening tools to determine levels of risk in children and adolescents. Staff can provide technical assistance and training opportunities on a range of screening tools for schools, community-based organizations, and community members.

For more information about the Ocean County Prevention Hub, please contact dart@rwjbh.org.

This project was supported by SABG Covid Supplement Grant TI083538 and the American Rescue Plan Act from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of SAMHSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Patient Stories

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  • “I can do everything I want to do—even on the dance floor, This hip surgery is the best thing that ever happened to me. I’d recommend Dr. Yoon to anyone.”

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  • “The nurses and everyone at both RWJUH Rahway and NBI were fantastic."

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