Kindness Starts with You Community Activities
The Kindness Starts with You Campaign is a community-driven anti-bullying initiative. The campaign aims to spread positive vibes and social behavior and show kindness to decrease negative behavior. The collaborative effort from the Toms River Regional School District, Toms River CTC and community partners will create kindness in our community. #KindnessStartsWithYou
The Toms River CTC Kindness Campaign EMPOWER workgroup is spearheaded by Toms River East Senior Dante Kanterezhi-Gatto. Dante cultivated an idea where students empower each other by spreading kindness, positivity and unity throughout their school and the Toms River Community. The student led group is promoting the Kindness Campaign and spreading a positive vibe with community initiatives like “Chalk the Walk”, a Kickball tournament, student mentor activities and community service projects.
Toms River Communities That Care is proud to bring the Kindness Campaign to Toms River with the support of our community partners, Toms River Regional School District, Ocean County Health Department, Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, Ocean County Youth Services Commission and the Toms River Police Department.