Addiction and Abuse Services

Behavioral Health Treatments

In recent years, society has started to realize that substance abuse and addiction are not personal failings, but real medical issues that require diligent, compassionate treatment to overcome.

Addiction is not a matter of choice, it is a condition that affects the brain and traps the addict in a vicious cycle of self-destruction. This does not mean, however, that they are helpless to change.

By coming to terms with what addiction really is, we can help to treat it through behavioral health counseling.

The RWJBarnabas Health Behavioral Health Access Center offers phone and in-person resources help you overcome addiction. Call today: 1-800-300-0628 to talk to a clinician or to request a callback to get started.

Defining Addiction and Abuse

The first step to treating addiction is identifying the underlying factor that began said addiction and admitting there is a problem. There is a difference between addiction and substance abuse. By understanding these independently, we can identify the proper treatment in order for the patient to overcome them.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is the habitual pattern of using drugs or alcohol even when it causes self-harm. For example, drinking heavily even though you have acted aggressively or violently towards others after drinking in the past would be a form of abuse. Unlike an addict, however, an abuser does not necessarily have a dependency on the illicit substance. They may go weeks, or even months, without consuming it, which can mislead many into believing they do not have a problem. You can best identify substance abuse when the abuser continuously consumes the substance even though it has consistently led to self-destructive behavior in the past.


Addiction is the term applied to individuals who have developed a physical and psychological dependence on drugs or alcohol. Addicts have overconsumed their substance to a point where suddenly cutting themselves off could actually result in physical and mental damage, which is why it is imperative they receive detox treatment in a monitored facility to begin their recovery.

Identifying Substance Dependency

How can you tell if someone is an addict? There are a few behaviors you can observe to identify substance dependency:

  • The individual has developed a high tolerance to the substance and requires large amounts in order to feel any effects.
  • The individual begins suffering withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking the substance or consume less than usual.
  • The individual continues to consume the substance even though it has caused harm to themselves or others.
  • The individual spends significant amounts of time and resources to obtain more of the substance and may grow frantic or agitated if they cannot find it.
  • The individual withdraws from others and becomes abnormally reclusive.

Prescription Drug Abuse

Alcohol and illegal substances are not the only things people can become addicted to. It is possible to develop a dependency on prescription medication such as painkillers and stimulants. Medical professionals are aware of this danger and are extremely diligent when prescribing how often a patient should take medication and how much to take each time. Deviating from a prescription could increase the patient’s tolerance, and eventually, the drugs will stop working as effectively, resulting in the patient consuming more and more until they grow dependent.

Prescription drugs patients can potentially become addicted to:

  • Morphine
  • OxyContin
  • Demerol
  • Codeine
  • Vicodin
  • Xanax
  • Valium
  • Adderall
  • Dexedrine
  • Ritalin

Addiction to prescription drugs requires treatment and detoxification just like any other addiction. Be sure to speak with a medical professional if you or a loved one needs to recover from a prescription drug addiction, as it may be dangerous if the addict tries to stop cold turkey. Doctors are bound by confidentiality and your matter can be handled discreetly.

How to Treat Addiction and Abuse

Addiction treatment is a long-term process. The patient will need counseling and support in order to overcome their dependency. Behavioral health therapy is key to helping the patient develop new ways of thinking that work to extinguish the attitudes and habits that led to their condition.

At our facilities, we can help you or your loved one begin the road to recovery through our Behavioral Health services and referrals to community resources.

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RWJBarnabas Health Behavioral Health Center
1691 U.S. Highway 9
CN 2025
Toms River, NJ 08754
(732) 914-1688
Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center
94 Old Short Hills Road
Livingston, NJ 07039
(973) 322-5000
Monmouth Medical Center
300 Second Avenue
Long Branch, NJ 07740
(732) 222-5200
Jersey City Medical Center
355 Grand Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302
(201) 915-2000
RWJ University Hospital Rahway
865 Stone Street
Rahway, NJ 07065
(732) 381-4200

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