Frequently Asked Questions

Postpartum & Baby Information

What should I pack to bring with me to the hospital?

To follow are some suggestions:

  • Wedge Pillow, Your Pillow
  • Music, Focal Point
  • Socks
  • Hand Held Massager
  • EXTRA LONG Phone Charger
  • Camera
  • Lip Balm
  • Sweatshirt/Bathing Suit for Partner
  • 2 Ziploc Baggies (quart size)
  • Photocopy of ID and Insurance Cards
  • Toiletries, 2 Washcloths
  • Nursing Bra and Nursing Pillow
  • Slipper/Robe/Nightgown
  • Clothes for Partner
  • Reusable Water Bottle and Favorite Snacks
  • A Book and/or Tablet
  • Going Home Outfits for Mommy and Baby

Will there be someone to help me with breastfeeding my baby?
Yes. All of our nurses are trained to provide you with lactation assistance and support. In addition, lactation consultants can provide extra help.

Can my baby remain in my room?
Yes. Baby safety aspects of Rooming In will be explained upon admission to post-partum.

What is routinely done in the nursery?
For vaginal births, the baby’s weight and length are recorded after delivery in the birthing room. A Vitamin K injection is given for blood clotting. An antibiotic ointment is administered in the baby’s eyes to prevent infection. These procedures on cesarean birth babies are done in the nursery. Tests recommended by the State of NJ are obtained at the appropriate time during your stay. Your pediatrician may also order additional blood tests. A hearing screening and bilirubin screening will be done at some time during the baby’s hospital stay.

When will the pediatrician see my baby?
The nursery staff will contact your pediatrician when the baby is admitted to the nursery. If your baby needs immediate medical care, the hospital neonatologist will provide immediate attention. In most cases, your baby’s physician will examine your baby thoroughly within 24 hours or sooner. If your pediatrician is not on staff at CBMC, a pediatrician will be assigned to your baby by your delivering obstetrician.

Does the hospital take newborn pictures? Yes, for an additional cost. Information on newborn pictures along with a consent form will be provided in your post-partum room.

Where do I get information regarding my baby’s birth certificate?
Aundefined birth certificate department representative will obtain information after the delivery on your post-partum unit. Birth certificates will be ready for pick up one week after discharge from the Livingston Health Department or you can request it be mailed (that is done through the birth certificate department representative). Legal birth certificates are required by the State of New Jersey - every birth must be registered. A souvenir birth certificate may be purchased.

There is a section on the birth certificate form to request a social security number for your baby. It can take from 4 to 6 weeks to receive the number from the Social Security office. The social security card will be mailed to your home.

Are any additional maternal screenings done during my hospital stay?
New Jersey State Law requires that all moms be screened for Postpartum Depression during their postpartum stay.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)

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