Scalp Cooling Treatment

The Steeplechase Cancer Center now offers Paxman Scalp Cooling treatment for cancer patients to help prevent hair loss caused by certain chemotherapy drugs.

Chemotherapy drugs attack rapidly dividing cells in the body, including hair follicles. Patients may begin experiencing hair loss two weeks after beginning chemotherapy treatment.

Scalp cooling helps lower the temperature of the scalp, reducing blood flow around hair follicles to prevent hair loss. Patients get their own silicone cap with an insulated cover. Scalp cooling begins 30 minutes prior to chemotherapy infusion and continues during treatment and for up to 90 minutes after treatment.

The Paxman Scalp Cooling System was developed in England and has helped more than 100,000 cancer patients in more than 32 countries worldwide to retain their hair during chemotherapy.

The treatment has been FDA cleared for use with patients with all solid tumors, except head and neck cancers.

For more information call Kim Cromwell-Piniella at 908-252-4053.

Patient Stories

  • “The good news is that everything worked out pretty much how I told them it would.”

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  • Sanchez’s positive experience at Steeplechase Cancer Center has inspired her to pay it forward... she plans to become a medical assistant.

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  • "Knowing that I was doing something more helped me mentally...I liked that I was doing something to keep fighting.”

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