Safe Syringe Disposal Program

As a free community service, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset offers a Safe Syringe Disposal Program. Members of the community may bring used medical syringes to the hospital for safe disposal to help prevent injury and the spread of disease.

To ensure the safety of our patients, visitors and staff, we recently made changes to our syringe drop off process effective March 1, 2018.

Containers of used syringes may be brought to the hospital Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Please come to the main hospital lobby and let the receptionist know that you have syringes for disposal. A member of the hospital’s Security Department or a receptionist will escort you to the disposable box located in the lobby.

Please remember that syringes should be in an FDA-approved sharps container or a rigid heavy-duty plastic container such as an empty laundry or bleach bottle with a screw on cap. Do not transport syringes in containers with lids that can easily come off, such as a coffee can, or glass containers which can break.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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