Tribute & Memorial Gifts

Tribute/Memorial gifts are a meaningful way to honor someone special on an important occasion or to memorialize an individual's life.

  • A Tribute Gift is a wonderful way to say thank you to someone who has made a difference in your life. Gifts may be made in honor of someone whom you wish to thank or recognize for any reason, such as a friend, relative, neighbor, co-worker, pastor or caregiver.
  • A Memorial Gift is a special way to honor the memory of a friend or loved one who is no longer with us, and is always an appropriate expression of your sympathy. If you wish to arrange for memorial gifts to be made in lieu of flowers for a loved one's funeral, please contact the Somerset Health Care Foundation Office at 908-685-2885 and someone will assist you in making the appropriate arrangements.

Your friend, colleague or loved one's family will be notified of your thoughtfulness through a personalized acknowledgement letter. Imagine how pleased they will feel knowing they or their loved one inspired a gift that will benefit patients in need of hope and healing.

The amount of your gift is always confidential and you may designate your gift to the fund of your choice.

Tribute and Memorial Gifts can be made online, by phone at 908-685-2885 or by mail using this printable form.

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