Event Guidelines

Please read these guidelines before planning your event, then complete and submit a Fundraiser Agreement.

  1. Events should complement the goals and image of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset. Companies that conflict with the hospital's Values may not be sponsors. We discourage sponsorship by groups/organizations that do not support Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset's values.
  2. The event organizer must obtain any necessary permits, licenses and/or insurance.
  3. Be prepared to estimate expenses and revenue for your event, as well as the size of the contribution you intend to donate. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset reserves the right to require a minimum guaranteed donation on a case-by-case basis. The Council of Better Business Bureaus states that "reasonable use of funds requires that at least 50% of total income from all sources be spent on programs and activities directly related to the organization's purposes." Somerset Health Care Foundation will not approve an event in which fundraising costs exceed 50% of total income. Somerset Health Care Foundation strives to maintain fundraising costs at 15% of the total income and strongly urges event organizers to meet this standard.
  4. Somerset Health Care Foundation must approve, in advance, all copy for invitations, advertisements, press releases, posters or other promotional information related to your event. Do not make public announcements or promote the event until you receive approval from Somerset Health Care Foundation. Please review our Logo Guidelines. Any references to your event must identify Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset as the beneficiary of the event and must not imply that the event is sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset or Somerset Health Care Foundation. (For example, event organizers should not call an event "The Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset Walk-a-Thon." Your event should be promoted as the "Walk-a-thon to benefit Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset.")
  5. The public should be informed regarding any net amounts that will be donated to Somerset Health Care Foundation. If Somerset Health Care Foundation will not receive all of the proceeds from the event, then the exact percentage of the proceeds that benefit the hospital must be stated clearly on all invitation copy, advertising and promotional materials. (For example, "10% of ticket sales will be donated to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset.")
  6. Events must comply with all federal, state and local laws governing charitable fundraising, gift reporting and special events. The IRS requires that all tickets, invitations and entry forms state which portion of the contribution is tax-deductible. If a donor receives a product or service in exchange for his/her donation, subtract the value (whether or not it is donated) of the product or service from the contribution. The remaining amount is tax-deductible. If your donors send their contributions directly to the medical center, you must inform Somerset Health Care Foundation of the value of any goods or services the donor received in return for the contribution.
  7. Please notify Somerset Health Care Foundation if you plan to contact businesses, individuals or organizations for sponsorship or underwriting proposals. If you plan to solicit contributions, sponsorship or in-kind gifts from local businesses, the list of potential business sponsors must be reviewed by Somerset Health Care Foundation before you solicit them. Please remember that many individuals and businesses already support the medical center and may not wish to make additional donations.
  8. Event planners or consultants may not keep any portion of the proceeds as profit or compensation for organizing the event. If event expenses are greater than the money raised, the event planner is responsible for paying those expenses.
  9. The sponsoring organization or individual must seek approval from Somerset Health Care Foundation to repeat an event in each succeeding year.
  10. Somerset Health Care Foundation must be notified in advance if there are any significant changes planned for the event. If circumstances warrant, Somerset Health Care Foundation or Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset may at any time, through members of its Board of Trustees or senior administrators, direct you to cancel the event. You must agree to cancel the event, if so directed, and further agree to release Somerset Health Care Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset and its officers and employees from any and all liability and connection to any such action.

Thank you for complying with our guidelines and for considering hosting an event to benefit Somerset Health Care Foundation.

To host a fundraiser, please review and submit a Fundraiser Agreement.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Heather Vail
Manager, Special Events

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