Patients & Visitors Volunteer Blood Donation

Volunteer to Give Blood Today!

Your're the right type Thank you for being a blood donor!

Our Location

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Donor Room
Clinical Academic Building
125 Paterson Street, Suite 4200
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(732) 235-8100, ext. 221 or 248

Days/Hours of Operation

Hours are subject to change; we recommend calling prior to your visit to confirm.

You can schedule an appointment online at or by calling (732) 235-8100, ext. 221 or 248.

  • A valid photo ID is required.
  • Remember to eat and drink before donating.
Monday 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Saturday Call for hours

Donate blood. Help someone in need.

What does a superhero look like? To a patient in need of blood or platelets, that hero is a blood donor. That’s because blood donation saves lives. In fact, every 15 minutes, a patient at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) in New Brunswick receives a unit of blood, platelets, or fresh frozen plasma.

The need for blood is increasing and you can help. Our hospital relies on the support of individuals, like yourself, and local organizations to provide much of the blood we use. That’s why RWJUH Blood Services is urging volunteer donors to give blood -- to help ensure that patient needs are met.

Blood donation is one of the most giving actions you can take. At the RWJUH Donor Room, you’ll find a caring, skilled staff ready to support your decision to give blood. Our team will ask you questions about your health history and will ask you fill out a form similar to when you go to your doctor’s office. They will perform a mini-physical to make sure you are well and able to donate.

Our team will talk with you about the best type of donation for you.

There are two main types of blood donation:

  • Whole blood donation means that blood containing red blood cells, platelets, and plasma is collected and separated later in the blood processing center or laboratory.
  • Automated donation (also known as apheresis) is a special type of blood donation that separates the blood components while you are donating blood, using a special apheresis machine that can collect platelets, plasma or red blood cells.

Our Donor Center allows patients the option of donating his or her own blood in anticipation of receiving blood during scheduled surgeries. For this type of donation, called Autologous Donation, you may give up to four units of blood within 35 days of the anticipated surgery. Please discuss this option with your physician. Patients must have their physician complete and return a special "Autologous/Designated Blood Collection" form to the Blood Services or have it faxed to the Donor Room at (732) 235-6683.

Your loved ones can also donate blood specifically for use by patients who are in need of a blood transfusion. This type of donation, called Designated Donation, must be made at least seven days prior to the scheduled surgery or anticipated transfusion, and is coordinated by the patient's physician using the same request form. If the designated donor does not meet compatibility requirements, the blood will be used by another patient at RWJUH.

Donate today. Help us provide blood to meet our patients' needs.

Helpful Information

If you're considering being a blood donor, we thank you. The generosity of your donation will greatly help those in need. You'll find helpful information regarding our Blood Donation program, as well as how you can play an even bigger role in fulfilling the need for blood and platelets at the links below:

Get the facts about blood donation.

Did you ever wonder how many pints of blood the average adult has? Or what's the most common blood type requested? We've gathered interesting and informative facts about blood and blood donation.

Learn More