Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery
Explore your weight loss options today
Many patients struggle with their weight; but in some cases, lifestyle changes aren't enough to counter adverse health effects of obesity. We provide various medically-supervised weight loss options and surgical procedures that are clinically proven to help patients lose the weight they need to stabilize their health and transform their lives. If you are interested in learning more about your weight loss surgery options, our friendly, knowledgeable team is ready to assist you.
Bariatric Surgery
Weight loss surgery—or "bariatric surgery"—involves reducing the size of the patient's stomach. This means that a patient will feel full sooner, eat less, and with the help of other lifestyle changes, reduce their weight.
There are two types of bariatric surgical procedures: restrictive and malabsorptive. Our accomplished weight loss surgeons can help determine which type of procedure will best accommodate each patient.
Some of the surgical procedures we provide include:
We Set You Up for Success
Whether or not to have weight-loss surgery is an important life decision. To help you decide if bariatric surgery is the right choice for you, RWJ Hamilton offers monthly support group meetings, ongoing dietary/nutritional classes (including pre-operative and post-operative nutritional counseling) and educational seminars with invited guest speakers.
More than just performing the surgery, our physicians and counselors can help patients identify and establish the lifestyle changes they need to make their weight loss surgery a success. We also offer ongoing support group resources and nutritional counseling, exercise specialists and support staff to provide a full continuum of services and counseling.
To begin your weight loss journey, schedule an appointment to learn more about your options. Call 888-724-7123.