Mary The Norcia Family’s Thank You to the NICU

There are no words to describe what this gift means to me. To us. To our whole family.

Dear Gladys and the NICU Team,

What a gift you and the extraordinary team at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center’s Shyan Sun, MD Neonatal Intensive Care Unit have given us: our baby Mary. Home. Safe and healthy.

There are no words to describe what this gift means to me. To us. To our whole family.

So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

We wanted to share a few individuals who were especially wonderful and whose involvement made this experience manageable.

From the moment we were admitted, the nurses became our rocks and also our friends. At times translating complex information, and always taking exceptional care of our baby.

Women like MaryClaire, Kelly, Steph, Arlene, Kathy, Anabelle, Eileen, and most of all Megan. It felt like Megan was there for all of it. The hard, scary days early on and the better days that followed. Megan always went above and beyond - putting little Mary in cute clothes for a photo shoot and making a pretty “Mary” sign for her crib (with Kelly!), once Mary’s health began to improve and there was time for such things.

We’re equally grateful to Dr. Geethanjali Lingasubramanian, who never seemed to take a day off. She was the on duty doctor upon Mary’s admission to the NICU, and seemed to be there every day that followed. Her kindness, compassion and dedication gave us hope.

And of course, Dr. Kamtorn Vangvanichyakorn, one of the most extraordinary women in the world as far as we’re concerned. We were blessed to have Dr. Kamtorn take an interest in our case, as we know she’s typically assigned the toughest patients and perhaps we wouldn’t have qualified. We believe she shaped our outcome. Dr. Kamtorn provided thorough and complete information about our baby’s condition - including where we were in the journey and where we needed to go, told us funny stories, and made us feel taken care of. She’s an angel, and Cooperman Barnabas is so lucky to have her.

Finally, thank YOU, Gladys! For seeing in our eyes that we were terrified and needed help. For going out of your way to take care of us, while the nurses and doctors took care of baby Mary, and for getting **it done. I can’t imagine how difficult it is to do what you all do, and to manage the complexity of a hospital system, emotional parents, necessary learning and development, and staffing realities. So thank you. A special thank you to Kimyada who came through in the eleventh hour to get our girl home.

As you know, we will be in attendance at the Miracle Walk on October 6 - with all three Norcia girls in tow. We look forward to seeing you all and thanking you again in person. We also look forward to supporting this incredible community in the years to come - just need to clear this newborn phase hurdle first.

Sincerely, Alice and Matt Norcia

Learn more about the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center.