Shirley Ann P Shirley Ann: Giving Back Through Volunteering

“From my initial visit and throughout my entire treatment and recovery, the team at CBMC who cared for me were just fantastic.”

Even prior to having breast cancer, Shirley Ann always loved to support and give back to causes she believed deeply in. So, after she made a full recovery from her own cancer diagnosis, there was no doubt in Shirley Ann’s mind that she somehow wanted to give back to Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center (CBMC).

Shirley Ann is now not only a proud seven-year breast cancer survivor, but she has also dedicated five of those years as a volunteer at CBMC. She feels that there was no better way to express her gratitude for her amazing team and the fantastic care she received, than to give back and become a volunteer to help others at a place that helped her.

Shirley Ann’s Story
It had been three years since Shirley Ann had gone to her doctor. It was not until her husband convinced her, no matter how healthy she felt, she still needed to go for the routine check-up. Although, she did appear healthy, her doctor expressed concern that within this three-year period, Shirley Ann had also not gone for a mammogram.

“When asked why I hadn’t gone for my mammogram, I replied because I felt healthy. Through this process, I soon learnt not to take my health for granted,” shares Shirley Ann. “Even if you feel healthy, it is important to adhere to preventative care and screenings.”

That September, Shirley Ann listened to her doctor and immediately scheduled her mammogram. “After the routine exam, they called me back and I didn’t think much of it,” she says. “After the second exam, I was told the result showed an abnormality and I would need to go for a biopsy.”

Shirley Ann Paul

A few days after the biopsy, she was sitting with my husband having a cup of tea when her phone rang. “I left the room to take the call, having a gut feeling that the news wasn’t going to be good,” she confides.

“I walked back in and told my husband that I had breast cancer,” Shirley Ann continues. “From the moment I got the news I felt emotional, but I was also strong and determined to get through whatever ordeal I was faced with. I pulled myself together, went for a walk, and came back home to find my son and husband waiting for me; and then started to process what I needed to do next.”

Shirley Ann met with Michele Blackwood, MD, Chief for the Section of Breast Surgery at Rutgers Cancer Institute and Medical Director at The Center for Breast Health and Disease Management at RWJBarnabas Health Ambulatory Care Center and Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center, who walked her through the steps of what was to come.

“There was only one time I broke down during my entire treatment, and it happened to be during a one-on-one with Dr. Blackwood,” shared Shirley Ann. “I’ll never forget how compassionate she was. From that point on, I wasn’t scared, nervous, or worried about anything, I just knew I was in good hands.”

After having breast surgery, Shirley Ann started her five-week radiation treatment with Alison Grann, MD, Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at The Cancer Center at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center as well as Director of Network Integration and Quality, Radiation Oncology, Northern Region RWJBarnabas Health.

“I didn’t have a lump, I didn’t feel anything, and if it wasn’t for my husband pushing me to go to the initial visit to the doctor, I don’t know what my outcome would be today,” expresses Shirley Ann. Now, if Shirley Ann has any concerns or questions in her mind, she reaches right out to Jennifer Wagmiller, MD, a Medical Oncologist, at The Cancer Center at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center.

Being able to give back to CBMC as a volunteer is truly something Shirley Ann loves to do. “From my initial visit and throughout my entire treatment and recovery, the team at CBMC who cared for me were just fantastic.”

“Their encouragement enabled me to be stronger each and every day. I am here today loving my volunteer duties and it’s all due to the kindness and strength I received from the entire medical team. I want to help people in any way I can, to brighten their day and help them if they are going through their own difficult times,” shares Shirley Ann.

Shirley Ann also knows she got through it all by maintaining a positive mindset and having a wonderful support system, including her husband, son, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, and other family members and friends.

“It is a great feeling to be able to give back. Particularly, if I am helping somebody get to The Cancer Center. I can confidently tell them not to worry, and put them at ease that we have the best cancer doctors here to help patients,” shares Shirley Ann.

Learn more and schedule a mammogram appointment.