Awani K Seeing Patients Recover Gives Me Strength

“Seeing patients recover makes me feel more confident by being there and helping them get better.”

“In the later part of March, I became sick with COVID-19. This virus is tough; it made me so weak and tired. However, I was able to manage my illness at home and was able to come back to work after more than three weeks. For COVID-19 outpatients, I advise them to have a thermometer and a pulse oximeter [a small device that monitors the amount of oxygen carried in the body], and check them at least three times a day. Good nutrition and good hydration are very important to help you fight the virus.

And of course, put yourself in isolation from everyone, including people you live with. Today, rounding in the ICU and CCU with colleagues, some of whom have also recovered from COVID-19, gives me strength to carry on. Seeing patients recover makes me feel more confident by being there and helping them get better. I also saw a few of them who did not make it, and that breaks my heart. But I want people to have hope. We have an extremely high success rate of treatment for COVID-19 at Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, come to the hospital for a test and a diagnosis. We will take good care of you.”