Lisa H My Breastfeeding Journey - Lisa's Story

My husband and I were both exceedingly impressed by Tara's professionalism and expertise. She used a research-based approach that got us on the road to achieving our goals to exclusively breastfeed.

Early on in my breastfeeding journey with my son Edward, I was really struggling and I was on the verge of giving up. I suffered some major complications after delivery and, as a result, had to be on medications for about 5-6 weeks postpartum. Because of this, I spent 5-6 weeks pumping and dumping to try to maintain supply with the goal in mind to start breastfeeding after I was no longer on medications. I struggled to get Edward to latch and it led to frustration and stress.

Scheduling an appointment with Tara Murphy at the Breastfeeding Wellness Center was a complete game-changer. My husband, Michael, and my son, Edward, and I were immediately greeted by Erin and Tara at the Breastfeeding Wellness Center with warmth. Tara listened to all of our concerns and issues and created a personalized plan to help us get on track with breastfeeding. While I got some great information in the hospital after delivery, it was at a time when I was overwhelmed by my complications from a difficult post-delivery. From our very first consultation with Tara, I felt I was provided with a wealth of knowledge about breastfeeding. My husband and I were both exceedingly impressed by Tara's professionalism and expertise. She used a research-based approach that got us on the road to achieving our goals to exclusively breastfeed.

In addition to providing families with a personalized, one-to-one support system through her consultations, Tara also runs a breastfeeding support group that meets twice per week. The support group helped Edward and me to continue our breastfeeding journey. It also helped us to meet moms and babies and to form lasting friendships. Early on in our journey, the weighted feeds that Tara provides at the support group gave me confidence that Edward was getting enough breastmilk to thrive. The support group has served as a place where moms can share their concerns about breastfeeding and virtually anything related to caring for a baby.

The multitude of resources offered by the Breastfeeding Wellness Center helped me through so many of the challenges that are common in the early postpartum period. Now that I am back to work, I look for any opportunity I can to attend the support group because it is so nice to see so many friendly faces and to catch up with the friends Edward and I have made in this wonderful program.

I am so happy to say that Edward is almost nine months old and despite being back at work for more than a month, I continue to exclusively breastfeed him. This would not have been possible without Tara's consultations and the breastfeeding support group.

Lisa & Edward Heath