“The Employee Assistance Program’s contribution to the 2019 DeStress events has been a positive experience for the employees at RWJBH University Hospital.”

Aware is a network of women working in various departments on the RWJ New Brunswick campus. Our goal is to support women internally as well as in our local community. We promote personal and professional growth and raise awareness of women’s issues through educational programs and activities. Aware seeks to build a foundation and contribute to the success of RWJUH by attracting talented women to a supportive, inclusive, and welcoming workplace that promotes the best care for our patients.
One of our signature events, De-Stress for Success, occurs every four months. This program provides opportunities for employees and visitors to visit with a variety of vendors to learn about strategies and resources that support a healthy work – life balance. The Employee Assistance Program’s contribution to the 2019 DeStress events has been a positive experience for the employees at RWJBH University Hospital. EAP shared and demonstrated exercises intended to release stress while at work. The exercises were appropriate and easy, and did not interfere with the daily work routine of our employees.
EAP staff were also available to address questions and clarify concerns that the employees voiced about accessing EAP services. This increased the understanding and comfort level of RWJ employees facing personal issues who wanted to use the program.
It is with great pleasure that we look forward to EAP’s continued participation in Aware’s De-Stress for Success 2020 events.
Diana Starace
Aware 2019 Co- Chair