Bodhi Bodhi’s Journey with Developmental Delays and Sensory Struggles

“The whole Toms River staff is amazing, even the security officers were so sweet. Everyone loves you and your kids. They make you feel supported and that they want you to be there and succeed.”

At almost two years old, Bodhi’s mom noticed that her son wasn’t reaching the same developmental milestones as other children his age. “He was not speaking and struggled with sensory issues,” stated Bodhi’s mom, Cassara Torres. Bodhi’s pediatrician recommended at-home early intervention services and occupational and speech and language therapy at Children’s Specialized Hospital’s outpatient facility in Toms River, New Jersey.

BodhiIn occupational therapy, Bodhi worked closely with Occupational Therapist Kelsey Mieczkowski, focusing on regulation, transitions, and safety awareness. “We saw progress with Bodhi being able to change direction. He struggled to transfer from one thing to another and always needed to be jumping, running, and playing. It was a big milestone to see him be able to appropriately shift his focus,” highlighted Cassara.

During Bodhi’s speech and language therapy sessions, he worked with Speech Language Pathologist Brenda Toro. “She got on his level and helped him through play,” noted Cassara. “She made tremendous progress with him talking,”

“We’re still working through obstacles, but we’re so thankful we went to Children’s Specialized Hospital,” highlighted Cassara. “The whole Toms River staff is amazing, even the security officers were so sweet. Everyone loves you and your kids. They make you feel supported and that they want you to be there and succeed.”


For parents going through a similar experience, Cassara advises you to not be so hard on yourself and make sure your child has everything they need. “If your child is struggling and screaming from sensory issues, don’t worry about those around you, just focus on your child and support them.”

Learn more about outpatient Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.

