Patricia P A New Knee Gave Patricia a New Lease on Life.

"It was the expertise of my surgeon, the new facility and the new technology that made JCMC the right choice for me."

Patient Stories

Ankle surgery gave Francisco his jump shot back.

Damage from a past injury made running, demonstrating a layup for his students, even walking the dog, painful for physical education teacher and coach Francisco Realpe. That was until he found the advanced orthopedic team at JCMC. “I heard good things about JCMC. It was the expertise of my surgeon, the new facility and the new technology that made JCMC the right choice for me,” says Francisco.

Her new knee gave Patricia a new lease on life.

Giving up the things she loved because of knee pain wasn't something Patricia Pungusjarit was willing to do. She has places to travel, walking to do, grandchildren to play with and a lot of life to live. Trusting her knee replacement to JCMC's advanced orthopedic team came after a lot of research. “This was a big operation for me and I didn't know what the outcome would be. It turned out so well. It makes me happy,” says Patricia.

A new hip makes the ups and downs in Paul's day easy.

It used to be painful for Paul Henriques to put on his shoes. Bending down to change a tire or twisting his way under the hood of a car was almost impossible. He knew it was time to find relief and he did with the advanced orthopedic care team at JCMC. His advice to anyone thinking about a joint replacement at JCMC, “You’ll be happy when you get it done. It made a difference in my life. Amazing.”