Special Wishes List

You can help make a child’s experience in the hospital a better one. Provide a day at the movies, help us throw a special party, or supply hours of distraction with arts and craft supplies. You can also help premature and ill babies develop and heal in safety and comfort by supplying special developmental items, swings and bouncy seats.

Therapeutic Pediatric Massage

infant massage

Children’s Hospital of New Jersey incorporates holistic approaches to healing. A $25 donation will provide a family with individualized instruction in infant/pediatric massage. Trained by a pediatric massage specialist, parents learn to calm and soothe their children; and are provided with a bottle of organic massage oil and parent instruction manual. Medical Research has shown that massage can aid in children’s growth and development, improve sleep, relieve discomfort from pain, gas and colic, enhance the immune response and reduce stress.

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The Treasure Chest

Help keep our toy chest filled throughout the year with the playthings that will bring a smile to a child in need of a little fun. Your donation of $10 or more will help enable Children's Hospital of New Jersey to provide a child with things such as crayons, pads of paper, DVD's, Video Games, craft kits, etc. to whittle away the tedious hours they experience during an extended hospital stay. These items provide important distractions to sick and injured children and help them forget the reason they are in the hospital.

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A Day at the Movies!!!

Various forms of entertainment keep our young patients entertained and help long days spent in the hospital go by a little bit faster. $28 dollars a day supports this bilingual movie channel in five separate inpatient and outpatient pediatric units, providing free access to the most up to date movies.

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Just Bead It!

Play is a child’s work! $75.00 provides children with one day of this creative bedside program for children from 4 to 21 years old. Accessible to all ability levels, we create custom glass/silver and crystal necklaces, earrings, bracelets and key-chains through this creative distraction.

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Our NICU cares for more than 3,000 newborns annually, close to 800 of them critically-ill. Premature babies benefit from conditions that make them feel like they are still in the womb.

Bendy® Bumper

The Bendy Bumper provides pre-term babies with the correct positioning and musculoskeletal development they need to develop properly. A gift of $40.00 provides a tiny infant in the NICU with one of these thick, spongy, cloth-covered shaping rods.

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Snuggle Up®

These soft, cozy nests to provide the proper positioning and physiological stability for Pre-term and ill babies, and are available for $40.00 each.

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Frederick T. Frog™

A versatile, frog-shaped bean-bag, “Freddy” may be placed around the head, neck or hips to help with supportive positioning of premature infants, some so small they would fit in the palm of your hand! A gift of $20.00 will provide a NICU baby with one “Freddy”!

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Gel-E Donut®

This extremely soft gel cushion provides a soft yet supportive surface to support the symmetrical growth of a premature baby’s head, and helps to alleviate pressure when the baby is too small or too ill to be moved frequently. Just $15.00 will provide this comfy “pillow” for a NICU baby.

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Neonatal Developmental Pack!

Your gift of $100.00 will supply one small or ill baby in the NICU with a pack containing each of the above items: BendyBumper®, Frederick T. Frog™, Gel-E Donut®, and Snuggle Up®.

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Boppy Bounce in Comfort Bouncer

Boppy Cradle in Comfort Bouncer is another special developmental item for developing premature infants. This $45.00 bouncy seat has a padded removable bolster and head support to cradle even the smallest of newborns. It features a soothing vibration that comforts the baby. It plays five gentle melodies and three soothing sounds with volume control and has two detachable toys, a plush dragonfly with crinkle wings and a baby safe sun mirror.

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Sweet Island Dreams Mobile

Our neonatal developmental specialists are always on the lookout for the best tools to help our NICU babies grow and learn. This $50.00 mobile is high up on their list! Its multidimensional movement helps a baby focus on objects and track them with his eyes, strengthening spatial perception, eye muscles and vision. It provides a calming, soothing effect through music and motion, providing a stable, familiar and friendly environment for infants. It also contributes to the development of language because sounds form musical sentences that help stimulate a baby's linguistic faculties.

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Boppy Rock in Comfort Swing

Boppy Rock in Comfort Swing helps even the youngest babies to swing in comfort, making it perfect for the tiny infants in our NICU. Our developmental specialists find this $70.00 swing especially helpful for comforting drug-addicted babies as they adjust to life outside the womb.

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Our Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Services provides Programs and services for preschoolers, children, and adolescents that range in scope from emergency psychiatric care and crisis intervention to alternative outpatient programs. Many children benefit from the focused sensory stimulation provided by the following items:

Box O’ Balls

Box O’ Balls - This combination of sensory items contains 8 different sizes of balls and “squishies”, each with its own tactile sensation. $75.00 will supply a box of these therapeutic items.

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Fishbowl Fidgets

Awesome fidget opportunities presented as an adorable ocean-themed collection. Twelve unique, non-toxic textural and movement critters from the sea; jellyfish, starfish, anemone, urchins, sea snails, seaweed, and stretchy eels. Comes with 2-gallon break-resistant bowl. $60.00.

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Tangle Light Trip

Light-Up Tangle provides individuals of all ages the fun and enjoyment of fine-motor manipulation along with the therapeutic benefits: fine-motor control, improvements in dexterity, concentration and focus and problem solving. $40.00 ea.

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