After Your Baby's Birth

Swaddling Your Baby - Lisa Madden, RN
How to swaddle your baby. Think burrito, taco, cigar!
Watch more videos for New Moms.

About Our Postpartum Unit


Shortly after the birth of your baby, you will be moved to one of our spacious postpartum suites - a number of which feature spectacular ocean views. Among their many amenities are:

  • A private, homelike setting
  • Sleeper chairs for fathers/other support person
  • Entertainment centers with televisions and VCRs
  • Private showers
  • Complimentary refreshments

Each of the postpartum unit's private rooms provides comfortable accommodations for women recovering from childbirth, as well as an appealing environment to welcome family and friends.

The unit's east wing houses the newborn nursery. Within the nursery is the latest technology to support the highest quality infant care. While in the nursery, your baby will receive all state-mandated screenings for newborns.

Fostering Mother-Baby Relationships

At The Eisenberg Family Center, we believe in fostering the mother-baby relationship right from the start. Our nurses provide new mothers with personalized care that is related to their postpartum recovery and health.

While our mother/baby model of care encourages new mothers to keep their babies at their bedside, they may also be brought at any time - day or night - to the newborn nursery, which is maintained and staffed to provide care 24 hours a day.

Please call for assistance when you're ready to get out of bed for the first time after delivery.

During your hospital stay, it's important that you and your family receive the care and education you need to prepare for going home. Our nurses are trained to assist new mothers and fathers, as well as other family members in newborn care. They provide one-on-one instruction in baby basics, such as feeding, burping, dressing, bathing, umbilical cord care and circumcision care for boys. They also offer a supportive environment for parents to begin learning their baby's responses and sleeping patterns during those first hours after birth. In addition, baby care classes are offered to new mothers, fathers and support persons.

All of our mother/baby staff are lactation resource nurses. To help new mothers maintain their breastfeeding relationships with their newborns upon discharge from the hospital, Monmouth also offers a breast pump rental service (see special section) and a list of community resources, such as LaLeche League breastfeeding support.

Our mother-to-mother support group is facilitated by a lactation resource nurse. While we offer a variety of services to make your stay comfortable and to help you prepare to return home, please inform a member of your health care team if you have a specific need.

For Your Baby's Safety

The Eisenberg Family Center is vigilant in ensuring the safety of each newborn. Immediately after the birth of a child, identification wristbands are placed on the mother, father or support person and baby - a safety measure that ensures the baby is handed by a member of our mother/baby staff to a person whose wristband number matches the one printed on the baby's band. This procedure usually occurs when the baby is being taken from the newborn nursery by the mother or father.

Also, always ask to see the identification badge of the mother/baby staff member who comes to your room to return your baby to the nursery. Look for a green bar at the bottom of the identification badge with the staff member's name. For safety reasons, please keep your baby in the bassinet when walking in the hallway, and never leave your baby unattended in your room.
In addition, a state-of-the-art system to prevent infant abduction is in place.

Please remember New Jersey law requires an approved infants car seat be properly installed in your vehicle before we can release the baby from the hospital.

Infection Control

Infection control is a very important concern at Monmouth Medical Center. While your baby is at your bedside, it is highly recommended that parents or anyone touching the newborn wash their hands thoroughly.

It also is the policy of Monmouth Medical Center not to permit children - other than the baby's siblings - to visit The Eisenberg Family Center. Our patient-directed visiting hours and infection control policies allow families to be involved, while ensuring adequate rest for new mothers and safety for the babies.

About The Electronic Birth Certificate Office

The birth certificate registrar will provide you with the necessary paperwork to apply for your baby's social security card and to obtain a birth certificate from the city of Long Branch through the mail.

Baby Care Basics

Monmouth Medical Center offers a host of programs designed to help new parents in newborn care, including classes in baby care basics and parenting. In addition, a mother-to-mother support group is offered to new moms. For more information, call The Community Health Education Department at 732-923-6990.

Heading Home

Upon arriving home, new parents can call the nursery at 732-923-6840 to talk to someone who can answer their questions any time, day or night.

The Focus of The Family Center always will remain on the mother, baby and family together.

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