Gynecologic Oncology Program

mother and adult daughter smiling

The Gynecologic Oncology Program is dedicated to addressing the individual needs of each patient in a caring and supportive environment.

Focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of cancers of the female genital tract, including ovarian, uterine, cervical, endometrial and vulva cancers, the field of gynecologic oncology crosses over several disciplines to coordinate care.

Gynecologic oncologists lead monthly tumor board meetings where cases are reviewed and treatment options are discussed. They work with physicians in radiation oncology, gynecology and medical oncology to coordinate each patient’s care.

Monmouth is a pioneer in utilizing a high-dose rate radiation implant that takes minutes to perform and dramatically reduces treatment time. Called remote afterloading high-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy , this therapy results in minimal exposure to normal surrounding tissues or organs.

Gynecologic oncologists at the Leon Hess Cancer Center were the first in the region to offer robotic hysterectomy for the treatment of gynecologic cancers.

Meet Our Gynecologic Cancer Team

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