Pulmonary Services

Pulmonary Laboratory

When Breathing Doesn't Come Easily
Cardiopulmonary Services at Monmouth Medical Center

Learn about our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Post-COVID Recovery Program

Evaluating and Diagnosing a Variety of Lung Disorders

Monmouth Medical Center's Pulmonary Function Laboratory offers services for most airway disorders. The lab's staff includes a registered pulmonary function technologist and a staff of specially trained , licensed respiratory therapists to perform procedures and to assist the physician in the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases, including:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Pneumonia
  • Lung cancer
  • Cystic fibrosis

Offering the Most Advanced Testing

The respiratory therapist has a major role in the patient's health care team, working with physicians and nurses in providing evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of these conditions. The pulmonary lab provides diagnostic testing including:

  • Pulmonary function testing, including spirometry (to measure air flow and volume), lung volumes (to determine whether air is trapped in the lungs) and diffusion capacity (to measure the rate of transfer of air, or oxygen, from the lungs to the bloodstream). Your physician may order these tests to determine inhalation and exhalation, flow rates, air trapping and gas transfer.
  • Arterial blood gas analysis, including pH, carbon dioxide and oxygen levels, allows the pulmonologist to check for adequate oxygen level. Specialty tests for carbon monoxide levels are also available.
  • Oximetry studies determine the percentage of oxygen saturation in patients suffering from shortness of breath. These tests also are ordered to meet guidelines for home oxygen therapy.
  • Bronchoscopy is performed by a board-certified pulmonologist using a state-of-the-art flexible bronchofiberscope. Performed in the Pulmonary Function Laboratory suite, this diagnostic procedure obtains lung tissue samples for analysis. Depending on the diagnosis, cryotherapy (tissue freezing) and tracheobronchial stent placement (to keep the patients airway open following tumor removal) also can be performed.

About the Pulmonary Laboratory at Monmouth

Hours for the Pulmonary Laboratory are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Evening hours can be arranged and all testing can be scheduled at the patient's convenience, including some Tuesday and Thursday appointments.

Patients should call for an appointment and then bring a physician's prescription or referral to the hospital's outpatient registration prior to visiting the lab.

All results are interpreted by a board-certified pulmonologist and are sent to the referring physician within two days.

Test results also can be faxed to the referring physician immediately.

For most people, breathing is effortless and occurs spontaneously. But when a medical condition or unexpected injury makes breathing difficult, treatment becomes necessary. Monmouth's respiratory therapists provide inpatient care including ventilator management, including high frequency and oscillatory ventilation in Monmouth's Regional Newborn Center, tracheotomy care, aerosolized medication delivery, as well as diagnostic services for the inpatient and outpatient population.

Monmouth Medical Center's Pulmonary Function Laboratory offers services for most airway disorders. The lab's staff includes a registered pulmonary function technologist and a staff of specially trained, licensed respiratory therapists to perform procedures and to assist the physician in the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases. Additionally, The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at Monmouth Medical Center is designed for individuals living with pulmonary disease.

Through exercise and education, participants will become more active and independent - and on their way to a better quality of life.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call the Pulmonary Laboratory at 732-923-6862.

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