MEG Talk

Program Date: May 13th 2021 at 11:00 AM

As a continuation of the 2020 Meg Talk Series, Monmouth Medical Center invites back Dr. Meg Fisher, a pediatric infectious disease expert, along with a panel of other specialists, to provide our community with educational knowledge regarding the covid-19 lockdown. This year, this panel focuses on the impact the social isolation has had on children’s mental health. Our experts will raise awareness and provide parent with tools on how to care and address your child’s emotional well-being.

Don’t miss the chance to hear from our panel of experts:

Meg Fisher, MD, FAAP | Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Special Advisor to the Commissioner of Health; Medical Director of Clinical and Academic Excellence, Monmouth Medical Center

Colin O’Reilly, DO, FAAP, FACOP, FCCM | Assistant Vice President of Inpatient Medical Affairs

Children’s Specialized Hospital

Jonathan E. Teitelbaum, MD | Interim Chair of Pediatrics, Monmouth Medical Center Medical Center

Kristin Kuhi | Certified Child Life Specialist, The Unterberg Children’s Hospital at Monmouth Medical Center

Charles D. Katz, PhD | Clinical Psychologist, Monmouth Medical Center

All proceeds benefit The Unterberg Children’s Hospital at Monmouth Medical Center

Event Underwritten by:

Del Priore Family Trust

Abby & Kevin Kelly

Sheila C. Labrecque

For more information please contact the Foundation office at 732-923-6886 or

2021 MEG Talk Program: Children's Mental Health

Feel free to watch last year’s Meg Talk!

2020 MEG Talk Full Program

MEG Talk Teaser
