
Comprehensive Surgical Procedures Across New Jersey

At our facilities, we keep up with the latest advancements in surgery so that we can offer our patients advanced, minimally invasive procedures. Our surgery team is diversely experienced in a wide array of both inpatient and outpatient procedures, meaning that New Jersey residents will not need to travel far if they require a complex operation.

Many people feel nervous about surgery, but rest assured that our team will be with you every step of the way, making sure you know what to expect, how to prepare and what you can do to speed up recovery afterward. We always strive to treat patients with the simplest, least invasive procedures so that you can resume your normal schedule as quickly as possible.

Upholding the Highest Standards of Safety & Quality

We understand that most people are not eager to undergo surgery, and we make sure they understand all of their options before recommending any surgical procedure. There are some conditions, however, that cannot be treated without surgery. We have invested in advanced technology and a highly qualified surgical staff to ensure that our patients receive the best, safest care possible.

Our surgical services at include:

Whatever type of procedure you are anticipating, our team will provide you with thorough instructions on how to prepare. This may include fasting, taking or avoiding certain medications, or emptying your bladder. We strongly encourage patients to ask questions. You have a right to know what your operation entails and why it is necessary.

What to Expect After Surgery

After your operation, you will be placed in a post-surgical waiting room and kept under observation for at least 30 minutes. If you are an outpatient, you will be able to go home the same day of your operation, provided there were no complications. Inpatients will need to stay overnight and may require post-surgical care or physical therapy in the hospital before they can safely return home.

You will need someone to drive you home after the operation, especially if you were administered a sedative. It is also recommended that you have someone stay with you overnight to help around the house so you do not put too much strain on your body while it recovers.

While surgery can be strenuous on the body, your recovery period should not take longer than a few weeks. For minimally invasive operations, most people will be able to resume their normal schedules after 24 hours.

If you are anticipating surgery or have a question about your post-surgical care, contact us today.

Patient Stories

  • “Before the surgery, I was trying to put on a happy face,” she says. “Now, I am truly happy. I feel good inside and out.”

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