Emergency Services

Welcome to the Emergency Department
at Jersey City Medical Center

Call us at 201-915-2200

JCMC ER EntranceAs the regional Level II Trauma Center, Jersey City Medical Center provides state-of-the-art care to the communities it serves. JCMC recently completed a 60,000 square foot expansion, which represents our commitment to healing, enhancing, and investing in Hudson County. The newly expanded emergency department is one of a kind in Hudson County, as we have created a dedicated Pediatric ED wing, the Abercrombie Guild Pediatric Emergency Department, which is tailored for our young patients and their families. The new ED doubles our capacity and was designed with convenience, comfort, and innovation in mind.

The Emergency Department at Jersey City Medical Center has specialty areas to facilitate efficient care.

  • The Fast Track area is for treatment of minor injuries or illness.
  • The general medical and acute care division treats all types of injuries and illness.
  • Trauma bays are reserved for our most critically ill patients.

The Emergency Department is staffed by trained physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses and patient care technicians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Abercrombie Guild Pediatric Emergency Department

The Abercrombie Guild whose mission has been "Care of the Sick in Hudson County" has decided to help support the construction of the new Pediatric Emergency Department. As nurses, teachers and caregivers, grounded in the philosophy of service to others, this project aligns with, and continues to fulfill the mission, vision and values of the original members’ hearts in 1874, so many years ago.

Learn more


Triage is the beginning of the medical treatment process in the Emergency Department. It is performed by a licensed medical professional who determines the severity of your condition. The most acutely ill and injured patients are seen first. The Triage Nurse checks temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration, and takes a brief medical history to evaluate your condition. The Triage Nurse may also request a urine specimen, draw blood, or send you for an x-ray in order to speed up your care.


In order to create a permanent record of each visit, you will be asked to provide one or all of the following: a driver's license, social security card, insurance information, address, phone number, and other information. You will also need to sign consent forms giving us permission to treat you. If you have a doctor or go somewhere routinely for care, you should inform the Registrar and the medical staff so your doctor can be notified.

We treat all patients regardless of their ability to pay. If a co-payment/deductible is required from your insurance company, a member of the Patient Access Department will ask for this collectible after the medical screening exam has been performed.

If patients do not have insurance and need financial assistance, please call (201)912-2936.


Patients requiring admission to the hospital will be informed of the floor and the bed location once it is available. If there is no bed available then the care will be continued in the Emergency Department while the patient is awaiting a bed. In the event that you are not well enough to go home the physician may recommend that you stay for observation for up to 24 hours. During this time period you will continue to have tests done and medication administered. You will be assigned a room in our observation unit.


You will be given instructions for follow-up care before you leave the Emergency Department. You should not leave the Emergency Department until you receive and understand all the information necessary for your follow-up care. All prescriptions should be filled and follow-up appointments made as soon as possible. There is a pharmacy located in the main lobby to fill your prescriptions.


In order to ensure the best care, protect privacy, and provide a safe environment for all our patients- we initially ask relatives and friends to remain in the waiting room unless their presence is absolutely necessary for the care of the patient. After the physician has completed the medical evaluation, one visitor may be allowed to stay with each patient. However, as space in the Emergency Department is limited, it is essential that visitors remain at the patient's bedside while inside the treatment area. Under certain circumstances, visitation may temporarily be suspended.

Visitors and patients should feel free to approach the greeter or a member of our Security Staff with any questions while they are waiting.

The Emergency Department at Jersey City Medical Center is here for your urgent and emergency care needs 24/7, 365 days a year.

Our Emergency Team

undefinedThe Emergency Department at Jersey City Medical Center is the Regional Trauma Center, (Level II) staffed 24 hours a day by board-certified and board-eligible emergency physicians from Emergency Medical Associates (EMA), and is one of the premier emergency physician groups in the country. It is supported by a comprehensive team of health care professionals, including highly skilled nurse practitioners and physician assistants and many certified and trauma trained registered nurses.

Waiting Time

Patients are treated according to the seriousness of their condition and not in order of arrival. Waiting times will vary if you require a special room or laboratory or X-ray results to be completed. Our goal is to provide the highest quality clinical care to all patients in a timely manner with a minimal wait time. Our state-of-the-art clinical information systems allow us to closely monitor our waiting times and operations.

Billing Information

You or your insurance company will receive bills for the visit to the Emergency Department. One bill is from the hospital while physician services are billed separately.


Patients can show their discharge paperwork to the parking attendant in order to validate their parking tickets.


We have a Starbucks kiosk in the cafeteria, which offers coffee, tea, sandwiches and other snacks. It is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 7 pm.

We are committed to quality patient care. If your visit did not meet or exceed your expectations, please contact:

Nurse Director Emergency Department

Physician Director

Patient Engagement Coordinators
201-915-2853 or 3465

If you have any questions when you receive your bills, please call the appropriate number below:

Jersey City Medical Center
For Emergency Department facility use, procedures, and supplies: 201-770-3700

Liberty Emergency Medical Associates LLC
For Emergency Department physician professional services: 800-355-3818

Jersey Liberty Radiology
For Radiology physician services, if applicable: 866-688-8613

On behalf of the JCMC staff we appreciate the opportunity to provide care and comfort to you and your loved ones.

Patient Stories

Patient Stories

  • Watch Testimonial