Patient Education

Emmi Patient Education Programs

Emmi Solutions

What is Emmi®?

Emmi® is a web-based program that takes complex medical information and makes it simple and easy-to-understand. Using a soothing female voice and animation, you can watch an Emmi® program to help you prepare for your upcoming procedure or manage your chronic condition.

Emmi® programs answers frequently asked questions and you can view the program in the comfort of your own home or anywhere that has internet access. During your hospital stay, your nurse can assign you an Emmi® module that goes over your procedure, your condition, your stay in the hospital, and your discharge. Laptops are available on every unit and will be brought to you so that you can watch yourEmmi® module at the bedside.

Emmi® programs at Jersey City Medical Center

We believe that you, the patient, are the most important member of your health care team. That’s why we offer this free program, which takes you step-by-step through your upcoming procedure (or condition), including:

  • Your condition
  • Why your doctor has recommended surgery
  • What to expect before surgery
  • An overview of your procedure
  • What to expect after surgery
  • Risks and benefits
  • Alternatives

So, think of Emmi® as a friend, a teacher who listens and then provides guidance and coping strategies.

How does it work?

Each Emmi® program takes about 20 minutes to watch. You can view them as many times as you like. As you watch the program, you can also write notes and questions that you can print out at the end.

Getting started is easy!

Step 1: Click on any of icons below to see what Emmi® is about and how Emmi® may help you in our medical care.

These are general information about being treated at a hospital. Your doctor or health care provider may assign you a module based on your specific condition or procedure.

Flu Vaccine


Adult Patient Safety

Adult Patient Safety

What to Expect

What to Expect

Hospital Discharge

Hospital Discharge

Med History Patient

Med History Patient

Patient Stories

Patient Stories

  • Watch Testimonial