Jersey City Medical Center Foundation
The Jersey City Medical Center Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to nurturing philanthropic support for the programs and services of Jersey City Medical Center. The Foundation gratefully accepts donations from individuals, corporations and foundations to enhance patient comfort and care.
Click HERE to make a year end gift via credit card, PayPAL, Venmo or Digital Wallet to support the patients and programs at Jersey City Medical Center.
Ways to Give
Give Today
All donations go directly to ensuring Jersey City Medical Center can continue to provide excellent patient care with the latest state-of-the-art technology and practices.
Our monthly pledge option is set up automatically to help donors save time and make donations more efficient.
Donor IMpact
Learn more about our latest updates.
Volunteer Opportunities Available
We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities including auxiliary, hospital and event options.
Mission Moments
Made possible through the tremendous support of our very generous community.