Nursing at Jersey City Medical Center

At Jersey City Medical Center, nursing is not just a profession, it is a passion. A dedication to superior patient care, a commitment to quality and a quest for clinical knowledge are the key values shared by Jersey City nurses. These values allowed Jersey City Medical Center to earn the prestigious Magnet Recognition Award for nursing excellence.

Margaret Ames

Message from Margaret Ames, DNP, MPA, RN, NEA-BC, Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Patient Care Services

Every day, across our inpatient, acute care main campus and outpatient patient care areas, the Jersey City Medical Center nurses provide exceptional care to our patients, families and communities. Nursing Theorist, Jean Watson, RN, PhD has said, “…the act of caring is the first step in the power to heal.”

Our nursing staff, including our APRNs and formal nurse leaders, were a central light in the darkness of the pandemic. You were most often and for longer periods of time at the bedside with our Covid patients and other patients who needed care at such a challenging time. For a second year, you were courageous and skillful in work you did.

Nursing remains the most trusted profession in the nation and yet nurses are highly concerned about their ability to provide the best care possible faced with a staffing shortage. We, at RWJBarnabas Health, and the nursing profession, will pivot to meet this need and the path chosen needs to be one ensures the high quality outcomes that you have delivered at our Magnet designated organization. Using our shared governance approach to nursing practice we will persevere and innovate to meet the needs of our nurses and our patients.

Join me in appreciating the outstanding professionals and team members that we work alongside daily!

With great sincerity and humble thanks,
Margaret Ames, DNP, MPA, RN, NEA-BC
Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Patient Care Services

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