Quality & Safety

The Nursing Quality and Safety Council evaluates quality performance metrics and nurse sensitive indicators to maintain standards of clinical nursing practice and safety consistent with evidence-based practice and requirements of regulatory agencies.



  • Contribute to the nursing strategic plan goal to improve medication management across the continuum of care transition, by completing Mediation Reconciliation audits and dissemination of results.
  • Contribute to the organizational strategic plan goal to improve the delivery of care related to nursing quality and safety by developing, revising and/or reviewing policies related to quality and safety.
  • Monitor and evaluate compliance with CMS Conditions of Participation (COPs) related to nursing and safe environment of care by completing Medication Management & CAUTI audits and dissemination of results.

Patient Stories

  • “I can do everything I want to do—even on the dance floor, This hip surgery is the best thing that ever happened to me. I’d recommend Dr. Yoon to anyone.”

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  • “Getting a transplant has changed my life completely. I am very grateful.”

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  • After open heart surgery, 7-year-old Lily's biggest concern was the availability of blue ice pops and the unpleasant taste of acetaminophen. “Considering that she had open heart surgery, I'll take those complaints any day!” said her mother, Denise.

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Patient Stories

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