Notes of Thanks

Lorraine continue to be the Bright Light You are, you are an amazing Nurse at RWJ… you do your job with so much love and compassion, you are very supportive, I love floating to 5N knowing its a great chance of working alongside you. Always welcome and greet everyone with a beautiful smile, always willing to go above and beyond to help, you model the CULTURE OF KINDNESS. Latice
I love you all so much! My family and I really appreciate the top tier care that was displayed during my stay there. I’m doing very well, now 9 weeks post op, I’m feeling GREAT! Thank you all❤️‍🩹 Terance
All the nurses that provided care for my wife Regina were outstanding…. But one stood out clearly above all…. That was Kailee Smith RN….. her attention and compassion help my wife immensely during a very difficult recovery period… she is a tremendous asset to RWJBarnabas Health…. Thank you Nurse Kailee from the bottom of our hearts! Regina& Joe
Cheers to all the hardworking nurses at RWJBH!! Thank you for all your hard work, dedication, compassion and care to provide excellent care to the people that you serve! With much appreciation, kudos!! Giselle
Nurses give so much of themselves every day. They are smart, caring and dedicated to their profession. Thank you for all that you do! Vicky
I am very proud of our nurses here at RWJ Hamilton. I've been working with a lot of them for almost 30 years. This place is our home and we in Radiology Support all our Nurses. Thank you for all you do! Kathy
Thanks for all that you do! Happy Nurses Week! Maria
Thank you too all the amazing nurses! A special thank you to RWJHH PAT and Cardio Rehab nurses for all you help every day! We appreciate and thank you!! Sherry
To all the nurses who have supported me over the years in my own professional journey — THANK YOU! You have taught me patience, resilience, and so many wonderful ‘tricks of the trade’ over the years. Happy Nurses Week! Sarah
Thank you is not enough for all you do! We have the most amazing nurses here at RWJ Hamilton. You go above and beyond for all your patients and are amazing at what you do. You give of yourself freely, with love, and kindness to complete strangers and their families. Thank you to all RWJBH nurses for the sacrifices you make in this selfless journey! Nancy
Thank you to all our wonderful nurses and nursing teams that provide our patients with the most excellent care! Hamilton STRONG!!!! Jennifer
To all the nurses, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering dedication, compassion, and resilience. You are the heart and soul of healthcare, and your tireless efforts do not go unnoticed. Whether you're comforting a patient, administering treatment, or offering a reassuring smile, your contributions make a significant difference in the lives of so many. You are true heroes, and we are forever grateful for everything you do. Telma
4 West 4th floor was my home away from for about a week. Could not have been a more pleasant experience. To all the nurses there and everywhere else... thank you. For the care, the compassion, the attentiveness. For all your work and sacrifice. Leon
It is an honor to celebrate all of the amazing nurses at RWJBH. Thank you for all you do to help keep me, my family, and our communities safe and well. Michelle
Thank you to all of these brave wonderful people who go out of their way to take care of and comfort not only patients but also family members. I would like to personally thank my daughter Jessica and our friends Kira, and Allison for everything they do! Happy Nurses Week! Denise
Thank you to the incredible team of Nurses across the organization who employ talent, expertise, and compassion to care and heal the world, one patient at a time. Landon
Just returning from our Retired Nurse’s meeting, would like to include a picture of our group today. Many worked at Somerset and a few graduated from the Somerset School of Nursing. We are still keeping up on new things happening in the Medical field. Happy Nurses Day Past and Present Florence
As a retired nurse I have to say nurses are the steering wheel of the healthcare system. Patient advocates the best Backbone of every hospital Nurses are trustworthy and loyal to their patients Jorge L Gomez Diaz , MSN, RN, CNOR
To All The Robert Wood Johnson Hamilton Nurses, Thank you for all you do and for just being you! You're the Best! Good Job! Della Rosati Switchboard Operator Della
RWJ Hamilton Nurses in Radiation Oncology are expert members of our multi-disciplinary Team! Thanks for all you do! Beth
I <3 nurses! Owen
Nurses at RWJBarnabas Health are first class! Sherry
To the doctors, nurses abs other hospital staff-thank you for all you do during this national emergency. It must be difficult to be away from your family and risking your own health to help others. I’ve witnessed all the additional precautions you take to keep everyone safe. Thank you! Eileen
I'd like to thank all doctors, nurses and other workers in RWJ ER and neurology department who helped my father to fight his illness during his stay in the hospital in July 2021 for their dedication and excellent care. From the bottom of my heart - thank you, thank you, thank you! Alex
I want to thank everyone at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, especially the EMA5 Department for the wonderful care that I received from February 02 - 05, 2021. My wife Debbie is so grateful to all of you for taking care of me when she was not allowed to visit due to the pandemic. May God continue to bless everyone of you. William
Just to say a simple thank you actually falls shy/short of how I really feel about health care professionals. I say that to say this, being a health professional myself and being admitted to the the Robert Wood Johnson Emergency room on the morning of December 30th 2020 for an unrelated Covid-19 issue concerning an acute onset of Extremely High and unusual blood pressures. My first thoughts were am I having a stroke? After immediately arriving at the ER entrance every precaution was made preventing minimal exposure to me and others in the midst of this pandemic. I was then swiftly transported to the stroke protocol team where they assessed me, reassessed and assessed me again as if they were like a fine tooth comb meticulously looking for any signs or symptoms of a stroke and all at the same time blood work was being drawn. From there, I was immediately taken to CAT scan, MRI more monitoring & additional blood work. I felt like they were not going to let anything happen to me. I felt safe & protected. Even as a health professional I admit my anxiety was through the roof. I've seen these signs and symptoms a thousand times from patients I've personally had the privilege of caring for. I am personally humbled and incredibly grateful at the highest levels of care that I received from the entire team involved in my care. In keeping with the thank you note privacy policy I'll only use first names but they know who they are. Thank you Sherry, Amanda, Nancy, Gabby, Steven, Jerry, Nurses, NP, Doctors, Managers, EMS, admissions, patient transport, house keeping and security. In spite of the unprecedented Covid-19 your patient care was phenomenal, above and beyond. At the end of the day I was medically cleared to go home. RWJ Hospital Emergency Room, New Brunswick NJ, Heroes, Rockstars, outstanding health care professionals. Kevin BS, RN CUSN '91 Kevin
Thank you to everyone at the Infusion Center at RWJBarnabas Health. Your kindness and skill is amazing and you are sincerely appreciated. You are all Heroes!!!!!!!!! 🙏🏼❤️ Marilyn
Thank you SO much for all that you are doing!!! Words cannot truly express the appreciation felt by the community. Thank you for all of your hard work, sacrifices and dedication during these very trying times, and always!!! Erin
Thank you SO much to all of your staff during these trying times from top to bottom. The world appreciates it. Aimee
Thank you for everything that you are doing during these very trying times! Your dedication, patience, and selfless service has made a huge impact on the lives of others. Thank you! Sangita
Just a quick message to let you know your work and dedication is appreciated. Keep it up and know that I can't personally know how difficult it is but recognize that to do it day after day is a great gift to those that you serve. Jay
Thank you Flores for always keeping us safe!! Rosa
Amazing great people work at Saint Barnabas. True heros. They, at all times, even in the pandemic, not only provide excellent physical health care, but also show emotional care and compassion, which is such an important factor in people’s health. Thank you! Natalia
Heroes always work hard to protect us they have brave and courage. This goes out to all the firefighters, police, doctors, hospitals and even more who help our city. Gissel
Thank you so much for all you are doing to help COVID-19 patients and their families. I know your work has had you stressed and has taken a toll on you too. But without you, all of those families you have helped would not have their loved ones around today. Words can not truly express one's appreciation alone. Thank You for all of your hard work, sacrifices and dedication. Michele
Thanks for being so brave and helping to stop coronavirus. I hope you're ok and have a great day. Thanaa
You are truly modern day heroes. Haroon
I hope you're ok and have a great day. Keep washing your hands! Liani
Thank you for trying and fighting the COVID-19 with your heart. Emily
Thanks for everything you do. We really appreciate all your hard work. We also thank you for your dedication. Bhanu
Thank you for all that you do! Praying for you all the time. May God Bless you and keep you. Daniella
You are our true heroes who are there for us when we need you. Harsh
THANK YOU!!! You are an inspiration to all of us, for working for the safety of the people. We need you now more than ever. Thank you for sacrificing your personal time with your family to protect us. You are my role model. Farhaan
Thanks for being so brave and helping to stop coronavirus. Manasvi
Thank you health heroes for everything you are doing. Tiana
Thank you to all of the doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, and everyone else who are making a difference in our communities. You all are true heroes. You guys risk your lives everyday for people you don't even know that is real heroism and bravery. Once again I say thanks to you all and I send you many thoughts and prayers. STAY SAFE!!!! Briana L.
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. Your work is very much appreciated. Phoenix
You healthcare staff are life saving superheros! Thank you for all you do. Shmuel
Thank you to all the Medical Stuff Members. I am really thankful for all of the hard work you do for our community. You guys should deserve the best heroes award of the year since you guys are the true heroes for being fearless and saving others. Once again, thank you so much. Mentok
Thank you to the staff on the 5th fl in Livingston for working tirelessly to save my life from covid-19. I am on the mend thanks to you and the many prayers. Shelley
I want to thank everyone at Clara Maass who made me feel safe and comfortable as I had to get XRays done today. Best customer service! The lab was super clean, and I was in/out hospital. The young lady who made my appointment was so patient, listening to my worries and ensuring me all was okay; and let me email the doctors script since I could not print. #realheroesworkthere 💕💐 Teresita
Thank you to my 2core family for always providing exceptional patient care, supporting one another, leading by example, and being the best possible team in the world. Anonymous
I would love to say thank you to all amazing nurses and technicians that I am working alongside. I am lost for words to see them all pulling together emotionally and physically throughout this hard time. I have seen them struggle, get sick or cover for those who are out, then come back and start all over with commitment to our patients. I am very proud to work with such a great team. Vera
Thank you to the postpartum nurses Beth and Julie - you two were so kind and helpful with any questions and concerns we had. My husband and I got to know Beth on a personal level, and she was nothing short of amazing! You could tell she loves her job and she’s great at it..Julie too! Labor and delivery - we love you Roslyn, Claire and Himali. You women are our heroes dealing with pregnant women who are giving birth during such a stressful time. The 3 of you were so amazing to me and even checked in on me after your shifts we’re over. NICU - Michelle, Doreen, Ruby, Kim, and two other nurses who took such good care of our son (and helped us with the tears and questions), THANK YOU! You could tell you all loved your jobs and it clearly showed. Doreen, we were lucky enough to have you 2 days in a row and we genuinely can say that we love you! You were such a bright light during our scariest days - and you had the best laugh behind that mask of yours. My husband and I didn’t have an easy delivery of our son, but the nurses at Saint Barnabas made us feel comforted and like we were among family. We appreciate every single one of you and are forever indebted! Dina
I am so proud to be the mother in law of one of your heroes! And thank her and all her colleagues for their dedication to the healthcare of all of us. God bless them all! They are for sure REAL heroes. Joan
Thank You all Chella
Thank you for what you do......... Dennis
It’s been 5 years since my son was a patient in the SBMC nicu but there’s not a day that goes by without thinking of the wonderful staff there that saved my baby’s life. Thank you for the incredible care and the compassion you showed for a terrified new mom. Karly
Be awesome! Jim
I am a preschool teacher who is teaching remotely due to COVID-19. I have been teaching them how important it is to wash their hands and how important you are all because you are caring for so many sick people. Thank you to the nurses and all medical staff who are putting their own lives at risk to save others. God bless you! <3 from Miss Ashley's Class. Ashley
We wish that we were a part of that great team who put their own lives at risk in order to save others. May God continue protecting you, be strong, stay strong ❤ Marty
Thank you to the CRNAs taking care of my father in the ICU. They are amazing! Sarah
Thank you nurses, techs and doctors on the fifth floor renal/transplant unit @ RWJBarnabas in Livingston for your tireless hard work and hope and care you give us every day. We love you guys!!! Harry
Thank you Jersey City Medical Center for everything that you do....My son had surgery in March and his nurses were the best...he misses them....thank you to his surgeon he is the best ....thanks for all that you do you are all appreciated ❤ Mimi
Thank you for tirelessly helping the community and helping keep everyone safe. Nothing anyone can say would be enough to honor all of you. Stay strong. Thank you! Ben
The Hero’s that work at Saint Barnabas & all over deserve our thanks & appreciation. U. R. The Best Judy
Mi papá dio positivo a Covid y desde que lo ingresaron le han dado los mejores cuidados. My inglés no es muy bueno y cuando llame para pedir informes un joven muy amable me comunico con una persona que habla español, agradezco mucho que a pesar de tener tanto trabajo hayan podido tener ese acto humanitario. Gracias a todo su equipo porque mi papá se está recuperando siendo una persona mayor. Dios les multiplique a sus familias y a ustedes todo el bien que están haciendo. Gracias a ustedes lo veré una ves más. Dios los bendiga. Alejandra Hernández
THANK YOU 🤗💞a thousand times for your help in saving lives, while putting your life and your loved ones at risk. You are brave!!! " YOU ARE HEROS" Ella
We are so grateful for Colleen in Pediatric Medical Day Stay at Monmouth Medical. She always makes my son Ryan feel comfortable and safe during his infusions. She’s so kind, patient, and thorough. She’s the best of the best and we are so thankful for her. The Hennessey Family
My son is an OR nurse at MMC. He is now testing for Covid 19 at Ocean County College. He has also been taking care of me since my broken hip in February and my dislocated hip this past Friday. I am thankful also for the ER nurses at MMC who took care of me on May 1 when I dislocated my hip. Rosemary
Thanks to all the staff and doctors at the post transplant clinic for all you do. Also, thanks to the staff at registration for always being so courteous and helpful. Al
I am so thankful to all medical services staff that works tirelessly to take care of us. Husband was recently rushed to hospital via ambulance and RWJBH was key in his care. God bless you all, may God protect you and protect your loved ones. Praying for all of you. You are our heroes. Forever grateful for your loving care. Aydee
Barnabas was the best! Jerry P
Wants to thank you for the heroic work you are doing. You are in my prayers. Pat
The Respiratory Therapists throughout the Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health network are the true unsung heroes. Their tireless efforts to treat the most critically ill Covid 19 patients on ventilators is a testament to their professionalism and deep knowledge of treatment for respiratory compromised patients. Thank you to all the Respiratory Care Professionals for everything you do! Janelle
Thank you to every single person from the custodians to the senior leaders for showing up every day to help our community. It is so appreciated. Susan
Thank you so much to all the nurses in the infusion center. You are always there for me and helping me with whatever I may need. You are all true heros in my eyes! Wanda
God bless you; we appreciate what you do for the community. Carla
Very Proud of Julia, RN 🙂 And all the NICU Medical Staff & support personnel 😍😷 Kathy
I was a patient in the ICU & CCU at Saint Barnabas Medical Center from 3/2/20-3/16/20 with pneumonia and respiratory distress UNRELATED to Covid-19. Due to the SUPERB, COMPETENT and COMPASSIONATE CARE of the entire staff who cared for me, I was able to return home to my wife of 52+ years. I am FOREVER GRATEFUL to the doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and the cleaning staff who performed their duties admirably. You know who you are. Thanks to you, I have been able to resume my life feeling well and looking toward to the future in spite of these uncertain times. My wife Joyce and I wish all of you health and peace. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE OUR HEROES. Jerry
Millions of thanks and Blessing to all you Heroes on the front lines and on the back lines. No matter how large or how small a job you are doing, it is so much appreciated by all. Stay Safe! Elaine
I want to thank my son, an EMT and Firefighter who has continued to serve his community at great cost to his health. I want to thank his fiancé a nurse who after recovering from COVID-19, went right back to her hospital nursing position. God Bless them and all medical professionals and first responders who treat and save lives each day. Be safe. Jean
My 19-year-old son needed the Somerville RWJ Emergency Room for a non-Covid-19 issue. Although worried and frantic as the mom, the ER nurses gave me complete updates when I called in. Sitting in the car waiting for him to be okay were the longest hours since labor! The nurses were compassionate and understanding all evening with me and with him. I couldn’t be with him, but I know you all took great care of him! Thank You!! Seana
You guys are the best!! Saving lives on a daily basis without concern for yourself! May G-d bless you with everything good. Stay safe❤️ Leah
You are proof of human kindness and heroism. God bless everyone of you! 🙏🙏🙏 Wil
Thank you to all the employees of RWJ who kept everything going in this horrible scary time!! #staysafe #thankyou Janice
Thank you a million times over for the compassion and the care I got from all the doctors, nurses, techs and staff in a covid-19 unit at RWJ Barnabas New Brunswick. You saved my life and I’ll never forget it. Craig
I want to thank the dietary dept. for coming to work everyday to feed the patients there a meal. Rose
Shout out to the cpars in the ER!!! R
Thank you so much for risking your life to save other lives. I am very appreciative of all the things that you guys are doing under a lot of pressure. You guys are the real HERO in this crisis time. No matter how many times I've said "THANK YOU" I feel like, it is still not enough to you guys. THANK YOU AGAIN AND PLEASE TAKE CARE YOURSELF AND BE SAFE TO YOU ALL — OUR HEROES. Manosha
We lost a dear friend in your hospital from this virus last week but you fought so hard to bring him back to us. Special thanks to the angel nurses who let my friend (and son) visit with her intubated husband via facetime. These are dark days, and you bring the light. Our heartfelt thanks. Sheryl
Heartfelt thanks to the team at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center! From the ED to all the nurses and physicians, caring for patients who look to you to help them in their time of need. You are true heroes and deserve the thanks of all. I’m grateful you were there for me when I needed it most! Thank you! Mary
I began working at SBMC in January, in Neurodiagnostics. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be here during this troubling time. I am, and I could not be prouder of my co-workers and staff. You are all heroes. SBMC is truly a family and we are all in this together. Jennifer
Thank you to all the staff working so hard during this crazy time! You are all so wonderful and we are so grateful to have you. Stay safe!! XOXO Anna
I have been trying to figure a way to thank the absolutely incredible people that work at Saint Barnabas. I can’t say enough about the staff, on every level. From the surgeons to housekeeping, from the specialists, (Pulmonology, Cardiology, Nephrology, Hematology…), Residents and Doctors doing rounds, Nurses, Aides, lab personnel, ER, OR, PACU, kitchen, transport, valet, physical therapy and respiratory therapy, registration, preop, Phlebotomists, dialysis, catheterization, x-ray, MRI, CAT scan, ICU… I’m sure I left some departments and people out, because I felt I was on a world tour of Saint Barnabas departments… who saved my life twice in barely a month. I had a kidney transplant on January 7, 2020 that went extremely well via a dear friend who was my living donor. So you saved my life long-term! ( I asked the staff in the OR to give me a 30 year warranty on the kidney transplant, because my father was 99 and my grandparents were all in their late 90s!). I was very much at ease and so confident in the team, thus was able to bring some humor to the situation and they did all laugh behind their masks. Although I was doing well recovering, on February 3rd I began getting dizzy spells and shortness of breath which increased substantially by weeks end, with a trip to Saint Barnabas ER, Valley Hospital ER, and back to Saint Barnabas. The diagnostic blitz began & several blood clots were discovered. Yet another team spring into action (Cath Lab❤️), then ICU, then transferred back to Transplant unit. Between the ICU team, and the Transplant team, both doing their rounds, they must’ve been 10 people in my room at a time staring at me with clipboards, they were a cross between keenly focused hawks & guardian angels. Because I am a new transplant patient I report to the post transplant clinic for check ups. Every time I go back to Saint Barnabas I think of all those incredible people who helped me in January and February. And now they are all on the front lines, saving other peoples lives. I pray for their safety and health and bless them for their dedication to medicine and their selfless sacrifice. Godspeed. Janet
Thank you for your hard work. Know that for each patient you care for there are thousands in your community who are 100% behind you: thinking of you, pulling for you, praying for you. You can do this! It will get better soon. It will end. Brighter days are ahead. Carol
I am overwhelmed with the extraordinary dedication of all your employees. Gladys
Biggest thanks for our health care workers, you're all amazing! Evelyn
I want to thank all of the doctors, nurses, lab technicians, environmental/janitorial, cafeteria, and any other staff members I am sure I am missing for keeping the hospitals and doctors offices up and running. I know you don’t usually hear from those of us who have stayed in our homes and (so far) not gotten sick, but please know that we appreciate you and the sacrifices we know you are making to get us through this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families… we can never repay the debt we owe you. Thank you! Kathy
Thanks for bring there for the community. Krishna

Thank you for your continued commitment to caring for the coronavirus patients. You are an inspiration to all Americans.


Thank you Dr D'Costa as always for your guidance and help.

I work on CCIS unit at NBIMC. I just want to say thank you to the staff on CCIS, STCF, F5 (Doctors, Nurses, MHAs, SW and the others) and entire NBIMC staff. I am very proud of you. Your efforts are very much appreciated, your devotion and commitment in the face of this adversity and your strength under the pressure makes each and every of you a HERO. I am praying that we all remain healthy. We will beat this!!! Sending my love and prayers to you all. REMI

There are no words in any language to thank all the HEROES that work without fear to be the special person that they are. Webster's has no definition for those courageous, dedicated workers who risk their own lives, long shifts, tough conditions, and undying spirit to save the lives of strangers day in and day out and especially during these historic times.

Words can't express my gratitude and awe of you heroes. Absolutely amazing. Kevin
Thank you to all JCMC staff for doing the great job during this tough time. We are strong and will get through this soon. Step by step, together. Stay safe everyone!!! Yuliya
Thank you to all of our Heroes at SBMC. Valerie

Prayers and blessings to the Neurosurgery Dept. at Saint Barnabas and all RWJ Barnabas Health staff for all you do. We'll get through this together!


Heroes Work Here is almost an understatement! I believe they are Angels sent from above! God bless you all and may the Lord keep you in his heart! Thanking you each and everyday for your strength and compassion and skills that we need so desperately at this moment in time...

Denice MMCSC

You are all so appreciated for everything to do. You’re very special people❤️


Thank you heroes god bless you🙏🙏🙏

Monica Moreta

My husband is the hero has been working in the ICU.


To all my coworkers of MMSC, beside nursing is a challenge. Having the right assistant is crucial in helping to facilitate support and proper care for better patient outcomes. Thank you again to all my coworkers for the care and compassion that your are providing to our patients. Everyone always go above and beyond to achieve better patient outcomes. I am very proud to have all you as a coworker.

I want to give a big shout out to one of your workers she is working hard as you all are she is my daughter her wedding is September 6, 2020. I pray that this horrible horrible crisis we’re going through is over so my precious daughter could have the wedding of her dreams God bless you for all your doing in the hospital everyone stay safe. Lori

Thanks to all nurses and their support staff along all the ancillary staff that are on the front line....Such as Rehab dept, Cardio pulmonary, Dietary, Housekeeping, Maintenance, Security.


Thank you RWJBarnabas Health staff for your courage and strength through this pandemic. I am praying for your health and safety everyday.

Thank you RWJ pharmacy for providing your support and expertise! We appreciate all of your hardwork! Amy
To all hospital personnel and medical staff, Your service and sacrifice for others does not go unnoticed and your value to us as a society is extremely admirable and inspiring. Thank you for taking the risk, for holding together a country that is experiencing the weight of the world, and for instilling hope in humanity. Nothing has truly prepared us physically, emotionally, or spiritually, for the state of the world we are living in at the moment, and the call to action that you all have responded to without hesitation. Being the “essential” workers of this time requires a massive risk that most human beings could not begin to comprehend. Keep your hope alive, as we all keep ours. With safe and warm wishes, Emily

I am so proud and grateful for my Aunt who works so hard in the Radiation Oncology dept. We love her and so proud of how hard her and every other employee there have tirelessly worked.


Thank you Saint Barnabas Medical Center staff for keeping our community safe!


SBMC rehab department for really stepping up when we needed them to!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You put yourselves and your families at risk everyday to keep us all safe and alive. You're all angels! We are all in your corners rooting you on each and every day! Stephanie
Not only through this time of need. Nurses, Doctors, Techs, anyone who is working in the field, supplies, cleaning, feeding, it takes a village. I always! always!appreciate you. More today because of the Pandemic, but ALWAYS thank and appreciate you. Sharon
To all on the front lines who work tirelessly to make sure we at home are protected and feel safe-THANK YOU. Tony
To the amazing staff of MST at MMCSC, your efforts have been nothing short of heroic. You are warriors. I could not be prouder to be part of this team. Keep doing what you're doing. Use your gifts of healing and love, find the blessings among the challenges. Keep smiling under those makes! Thank you for everything! Stay safe Jackie Boyle
My Hero works on the frontline of the ER. Dedicated & Determined to kick Covid19 ! ❤️Praying for your protection 🙏 Debbie

Thank you to every single nurse, doctor, and all health care workers for your bravery and dedication. We salute you!

To all the outstanding individuals I have the honor and privilege to work with... thank you. As I watch our team of professionals carry on during these most difficult time, I cannot be more proud to call you my co-workers. I know you keep our patients first in your thoughts and deeds and you deserve our gratitude for providing the best care in these most difficult times. Donna
To our MMCSC Nursing leadership team, nursing staff and all support staff, clinical ancillary and support services: You are all heroes beyond words can describe! Thank you for everything you do! Judy Colorado, CNO
To all our MMCSC Team I thank you for all the great work you are doing for all our patients at this very challenging times! You have shown your true compassionate caring and your dedication to the profession you are called for! Keep it up! Judy
To the support staff at MMCSC - Diagnostic Imaging, Distribution, Environmental Services, Facilities, Finance, Food and Nutrition, HIM, Human Resources, IT, Laboratory, Outpatient Infusion, Patient Access, Pharmacy, Rehab Services (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone) - you are our unsung Heroes!! Thank you for all that you do to provide our patients with the best care possible!!! You are the best!! Dorothy
What a great team in Patient Access. Our first line of defense. Security Guards and all the staff in the ED and Triage center. I am so proud to be a small part of this team. My prayers for health and safety are with you all daily. Alene
God's blessings on all health care workers. Your willingness to accommodate those who are experiencing signs of this virus is more than admirable, it is courageous and self-giving. Prayers for ALL. Judy
To my colleagues at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, throughout RWJBarnabas Health, and to all those working on the front lines—stay strong. You are amazing. #RWJUHHamiltonStrong #HeroesWorkHere #RWJBHStrong Jessica
Dr Eric Handler is our hero! No matter what day of the week or what hour of the day, he’s always there for us. Thank you Dr Handler ❤️ All of us wacky Weavers love and appreciate your friendship so much. SBMC is lucky to have you lead them through, and out of, these trying times. Stay strong. Be you! The Weavers
Thank you for all you do Lex Ines and Bruce Griffith
Thank you to ALL of the employees at each RWJBH hospital continuing to go to work each day to care for the rest of us. Stacy
Thank you all Staff at SBMC still working during this time. Thank you fellow Neuro Nerds EEG dept who are in these rooms sometimes for 2 or more hours. Thank you dietary who still come in contact. Thank you Environmental services who still have to clean. Thank you CNAs we see you on the frontline. Thank you Thank you Thank you all. Neuro Nerd
Our son-in-law is an ER doctor and even when he’s not there physically he’s constantly in contact‼️❣️👏🏻 Ellen and Gary
Thank You to all the Doctor's & Nurses helping to get all patients back home. Stefan
I am a NP at SBMC. I am beyond proud of all my colleagues and co-workers. You make me proud to be a nurse and part of the family here at SBMC! Jaimie
To the Front Line Heroes at CMC - thank you for all you're doing! You are brave warriors in this battle and I'm keeping you and your families in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and be well - virtual hugs. Donna
My wife is the nurse-manager of the Dialysis Unit at St Barnabas, and worked 78 hours last week, leading by example doing patient care on Covid-19 positive patients. Thank you to her and her staff for all of their hard work and dedication during these trying times. Chuck
It’s hard to imagine what each of you is experiencing as you risk your life to care for those who are sick in our community. Your tireless efforts are so deeply appreciated. Your courage in the face of adversity and your grace under pressure, make each of you a true hero. I’m safe at home with my family but think of your sacrifices with profound gratitude. When this is over, I pray that each of you remain healthy and can once again enjoy a sense of normalcy. Sending prayers and love for to each of you. Carole
He has always been a hero to me and my kids, but this crisis has elevated him and all the RWJBH staff to super hero status. We are so proud of him as he selflessly risks his life to care for all patients in the ED and support his colleagues throughout the hospital coordinating efforts on the front lines. When asked how he is doing, he just says he’s doing his job. How lucky we all are! Alison
I want to acknowledge my fearless Speech Pathology Department who never hesitated to dive in and treat our patients with their compassion and outstanding service. Their unwavering strength and devotion to do what’s best for our patients is what makes being in the frontline with them so worth it. So proud of my team. We will get through this together! Sophia
God bless the ER nurses and all staff at St Barnabas. Thank You ❤ Lynne
Thank you for being selfless for your patients and we prayer you have the PPE you need to be healthy & safe for your loved ones too. We can’t live if you don’t live first! 🙏❤️❤️ Ann
We are so proud of our amazing Dad! He plays with us endlessly when he is home and works hard to help others when in the ER! We love you, we are proud of you, you are OUR HERO! Nara and Sadie
The way the CMC team had responded to the COVID-19 pandemic has been incredible to see. I am so proud to be a part of this team and in awe of the compassion and strength everyone has. Thank you to everyone - we got this!!!!! Stephani
We are so proud of our dad. He works so hard for every person that walks through the ER. He is an amazing person, father, and doctor. He is genuine, goofy, and smart as heck. We see you, we support you, we love you!!!!! Meg, Sarah, Becca, Allie, Colin
I am proud to call my coworkers heroes! We will beat this, we just have to take it one day at time. Every single one of you are doing a remarkable job. Thank YOU! Amanda
I'm thankful for the ENT team. They have been a blessing for me 🙏 Maria
Thanks! Chris
MMCSC staff, thank you for your hard work, caring, strength and sacrifice. Stay strong and safe. We need you. We really do appreciate all of you and what you do for us. Margaret
I am honored and humbled by the devotion of each colleague and I am awed and inspired by the bravery and compassion of every single incredible front line clinician. We will beat COVID-19 together! Dennis