Publications & Research

Nursing Research at RWJBarnabas Health (RWJBH) guides our clinical nursing practice, and our clinical nursing practice generates the questions and direction for our research. This inquiry allows us to bring the best science to the bedside through the critical review of evidence. Each of the 12 hospitals in RWJBH has a Nursing Research committee and an overarching Nursing Research Council. The Nursing Research Collaborative ensures that nursing research, evidence based practice and scholarly inquiry are occurring across the system. The nursing research infrastructure helps to ensure that the necessary resources are available to our front line staff through the support and work guided by nursing leadership and faculty from Rutgers, The State University School of Nursing (RUSON). The collaborative is instrumental in developing an annual Nursing Research Symposium that provides a forum for nurses to disseminate research findings to their peers.

Contacts and consultation:

Mary Beth Russell PhD, MA, RN, NPDA-BC, NEA-BC, FNAP, CPHQ
Senior Vice President
The Center for Professional Development, Innovation and Research
The Institute for Nursing Excellence

Publications and Research Studies

Nursing Research conducted at our affiliate health care centers continues to improve the care and treatment of our patients. Establishing evidence-based practice research/programs provide a foundation for advancing nursing practice to a higher level of professionalism.

Our Nursing Research Council, comprised of members from various nurse specialties, nurse levels, and academia is committed to promoting, empowering, educating and mentoring the staff in the value of research and evidence-based practice.


  • To continually improve the quality of nursing care in the practice setting within our system through evidence-based practice, research and scholarly activity.


  • Educate staff so they understand the value of and the impact that evidence-based practice research can have on patient care and their work environnment.
  • Engage the staff so that evidence-based practices are mastered and sustained.
  • Foster staff participation in the evidence-based/research process from identifying practice issues to evaluating results.