Pharmacy Services

The Department of Pharmacy provides pharmaceutical services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Overall, there are approximately 38 FTEs including managers, pharmacists, residents, technicians and support staff. All pharmacy technicians are certified by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and assist pharmacists in filling orders, medication delivery, and sterile and non-sterile product compounding. Medication reconciliation technicians work in the Emergency Department and interact with patients, families, and retail pharmacies to ensure an accurate medication history is obtained.

The Steeplechase Cancer Center at RWJUH Somerset is designated as a Comprehensive Community Cancer Center by the American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer, and in partnership with Rutgers Cancer Institute – the state's only NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center provides close-to-home access to the latest treatment and clinical trials. The Cancer Center has recently seen significant program growth with expansion into a second infusion suite. It is supported by two chemotherapy pharmacy specialists.

With a dedicated staff of employees, modern facilities, a strong commitment to medication safety and performance improvement, a focus on customer service, and a role in educating future health-care professionals, the Department of Pharmacy at RWJUH Somerset is devoted to delivering operational and clinical excellence, while advancing care and maintaining financial and operational growth.

Individuals from the Department of Pharmacy are involved in numerous research activities, frequently publish and present scholarly work, and provide external educational programs on a national, state and local level. Pharmacists provide drug information and education to medical and nursing staff as well as patients, caregivers, and other members of the health care team to promote the safe, effective, efficient, and patient-centered use of medication therapy.

Pharmacy has a strong presence on many committees hospital-wide such as Infection Control, Antimicrobial Stewardship, Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Critical Care, IRB, and Medication Management/Medication Safety.

RWJUH Somerset Department of Pharmacy is affiliated with the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University, precepting more than 50 students per year and serving as a Knight Scholar site. The Department has established training and continuing education programs to foster the professional development of staff and students, and has had an ASHP accredited PGY1 residency program since 2015 with two PGY1 resident positions.

Clinical Services

Our pharmacists are actively involved in therapeutic management. Our policies, guidelines, programs and services ensure that patients receive evidence based appropriate pharmaceutical care as measured against accepted standards. Several clinical programs and protocols have been developed at RWJUH Somerset by the Department of Pharmacy, which include but are not limited to drug dosing protocols, the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (i.e., pharmacy run vancomycin pharmacokinetic service, antimicrobial rounds), and clinical monitoring programs (i.e., anticoagulation monitoring program). We recently received the Gold Award for 2022 from the New Jersey Department of Health’s Antimicrobial Stewardship Recognition Program.

The clinical pharmacy program is supported by three Rutgers Faculty, who are residency trained and board certified. They provide a significant contribution and serve as resources to family medicine, critical care, and the emergency department.


Medication is dispensed via a point of care decentralized distribution model supported by automated dispensing cabinets (ADC) with the latest technology on patient care units that provide nurses ready access to medications. Parenteral products are prepared in a clean room suite fully compliant to United States Pharmacopeia (USP) 797 and 800 regulations.

The hospital uses EPIC, a state-of-the art electronic health record system with enhanced communication amongst providers and improved delivery of care. To ensure safe medication use, the system allows for computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE), guidance from evidence–based order sets, an electronic medication administration record (e-MAR) and bedside bar-code medication administration (BCMA). The use of this state-of-the-art technology enhances medication safety. Pharmacists document clinical interventions in the electronic medical record.