What to Expect
The First and Second Years
First year residents are oriented to the fundamentals of Radiology by an intense lecture series. The basics of image interpretation in the different subspecialties are stressed along with a review of appropriate anatomy. The first year residents rotate on call with a more senior resident to become familiar with the demands of off-hour work and emergency decision-making.
First and second year residents rotate through the different divisions of the department laying the groundwork for a medical education in radiology. In the beginning, residents begin to focus primarily on general film interpretation for gastrointestinal, genitourinary, musculoskeletal and chest radiology. Consultation with referring clinicians on cases is encouraged, opening lines of communication between the department, private physicians and patients.
As their knowledge-base expands, the residents take on additional responsibility by increasing their supervisory capacity, advancing to specialty areas of radiology and correlating their radiological findings with other studies. Additional rotations in mammography, ultrasound, MR, nuclear medicine (including PET), neuroradiology are introduced during this time at Monmouth.
Residents are exposed very early to Interventional Radiology and learn the importance of pre- and post- procedure preparation and protocols. Residents are gradually given more independence as they obtain the skills to perform various studies.
Residents learn about and participate in positioning, filming and processing various fluoroscopy procedures Scanning techniques are emphasized, and residents become competent in image production as well as interpretation. Residents assume primary responsibility in planning and supervising studies in these areas.
The Third and Fourth Years
The residents continue their rotations through the different divisions of the department assuming greater responsibility and leadership. When at Monmouth, residents participate in daily teaching conferences, specialty conferences and didactic lectures.

Several outside rotations supplement the training at Monmouth. During all offsite rotations, residents enrich their clinical experiences by attending department conferences.
Scheduled Away Rotations
- CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) - Two months are spent at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for an in depth experience at one of the world’s major pediatric referral centers.
- ACR-AIRP - Residents spend four weeks at ACR-AIRP in Silver Springs, MD where they correlate surgical and autopsy material with appropriate radiology studies.
- UMDNJ MSK/TRAUMA - Another month is spent at UMDNJ in Newark for musculoskeletal radiology to experience one of the busiest trauma centers and a bone tumor referral hospital
- Newark Beth Israel Medical Center – Lastly, a month away for a cardiac imaging rotation.
Academic and Hospital Activities
Journal Club meets monthly. A lively discussion led by the faculty discusses current controversial issues and current literature.
The Residency Committee comprised of the Program Director, Associate Program Director, Residency Coordinator, and an elected Resident Representative meet quarterly to discuss issues relevant to the Program.
The Medical Education Committee is a hospital wide group that includes representatives from each Residency department meets monthly. A Radiology resident representative attends this meeting to discuss hospital-wide issues.
The Departmental Teaching File is a computerized compendium of interesting cases organized and maintained by the residents. Each month residents contribute cases from their rotations.
Teaching Conferences are held twice a day. Residents are excused from all clinical responsibilities during that time. The conferences are a mixture of lecture and interactive formats designed as a practice for the Oral Boards.
Physics Lectures are given twice weekly starting from the first week and are given by a dedicated, board-certified, medical imaging physicist. An intensive course is designed to give the best possible education in all aspects of Radiation Physics and Radiation Biology.
Interdepartmental Conferences involve presentation of imaging studies to the Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, and Ob-Gyn departments. The Radiology residents prepare and deliver electronic case presentations regarding the radiologic findings and participate in the ensuing discussion.
Resident Life
Monmouth County and the New Jersey Shore
Situated two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean in the City of Long Branch, NJ, Monmouth Medical Center is located within a hotbed for beach-life, outdoor activities and a generally pleasing and casual atmosphere. The famed NJ Shore boasts multiple towns and cities, each with its own feel and personality. Historically and in modern times, the area acts as a vacation destination to beach-goers from nearby New York City and Philadelphia. This added population help bolster the population and support ever-growing entertainment and night-life options.
When looking for a quick excursion, the cities of New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City are all a short trip away. Offering the finest in everything, easy access to all of these cities adds another dimension to life in the area that is rarely matched.
Total Residents: 12. The program was recently given ACGME approval to permanently increase the size to 3 per year.
Accreditation: MMC Radiology residency program was given the maximum 5 years of Accreditation after the 2008 site visit.
Conference Schedule Sample
This is a sample of a monthly Conference Schedule.
7:30 am Pedi 8:30 am 1st years 4:00 pm Physics |
7:30 am Pedi 8:30 am 1st years |
7:30 am ACR |
7:30 am Research 4:00 pm Dr.Lee/ Neuroradiology |
7:30 am Chest Core 3:00 pm Dr.Maldjian |
7:30 am GI M&M 8:30 am 1st Years 2:00 pm MSK |
7:30 am Pedi 8:30 am 1st Years 4:00 pm Physics |
7:30 am Physics |
7:30 am Chest Core 4:00 pm Chest Core |
7:30 am Neuro 4:00 pm Chest Core |
7:30 am Pedi 8:30 am 1st Years 4:00 pm Physics |
7:30 am Pedi 8:30 am 1st Years 4:00 pm Chest Core |
7:30 am QA |
7:30 am Youssem 4:00 pm Chest Core |
7:30 am Chest Core 4:00 pm Physics |
7:30 am GI M&M 4:00 pm Physics |
7:30 am Resident Mtg 4:00 pm Chest Core |
7:30 am Abd |
7:30 am Chest Core 4:00 pm Chest Core |
7:30 am Chest Core 4:00 pm Nucs |
7:30 am Pedi 8:30 am 1st Years 4:00 pm Physics |
7:30 am Pedi 8:30 am 1st Years |
7:30 am MSK/Dr.Kwak |