Residency Graduates and Project Names

Class of 2024

Kevin Chen, Pharm.D.

Kevin Chen, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Psychotropic Stewardship: Impact of a Pharmacist on Reducing Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic-Related Medication Errors

Samuel Golbin, Pharm.D.

Samuel Golbin, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Evaluation of a Pilot Automated Dispensing System Optimization Protocol

Class of 2022

Sarah Uricher, Pharm.D.

Sarah Uricher, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Prospective analysis of a pharmacy-driven intravenous levothyroxine
stewardship program

Danial Chowdhury, Pharm.D.

Danial Chowdhury, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Prospective analysis of a pharmacist-driven drug dosing program to
optimize vancomycin use in patients with MRSA invasive infection

Class of 2021

Brian Bishop

Brian Bishop, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Evaluation of a pharmacist driven intravenous to oral acetaminophen protocol. Bishop B, Mathis AS , Lee Ghin H, Fahim G

Hasna Esseghir

Hasna Esseghir, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Prospective analysis of a pharmacy driven drug monitoring program to optimize alvimopan use. Esseghir H, Mathis AS , Lee Ghin H, Fahim G

Class of 2020

Rajwoana Ashmed

Rajwoana “Jisa” Ahmed, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Evaluation of the use of chlorpromazine for agitation in pediatric patients. Ahmed R, Maroney M, Fahim G, Ghin HL, Mathis AS. Ment Health Clin. 2021 Mar 31;11(2):40-44. doi: 10.9740/mhc.2021.03.040. PMID: 33850680; PMCID: PMC8019542.

Jenna Petro

Jenna Petro, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Evaluation of Stewardship Principles Associated with Appropriateness of Antibiotic Therapy in Bacteremia. Petro J, Shah M, Fahim G, Lee Ghin H, Mathis AS

Class of 2019

Angela Wang

Angela Wang, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: The use of procalcitonin to guide antibiotic therapy in septic patients. Wang A, Shah M, Fahim G, Lee Ghin H, Mathis AS

Neha Kumar

Neha Kumar, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Factors associated with completion of guideline-based laboratory monitoring in patients treated with antipsychotic drugs. Kumar N, Patel K, Maroney M, Fahim G, Lee Ghin H, Mathis AS.

Class of 2018

Allison Pezick

Allison Pezick, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Effect of Pharmacist Intervention on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Utilization in Patients Treated With Mood Stabilizers

Divita Singh

Divita Singh, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Effects of Pharmacist-Conducted Medication Reconciliation at Discharge on 30-Day Readmission Rates of Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Singh D, Fahim G, Ghin HL, Mathis S. J Pharm Pract. 2021 Jun;34(3):354-359. doi: 10.1177/0897190019867241. Epub 2019 Aug 25. PMID: 31446826.

Class of 2017

Sajani Patel, Pharm.D.

Sajani Patel, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Satisfaction With Medication Reconciliation Completed by Pharmacy Technicians in an Emergency Department. Patel S, Mathis AS, Costello J, Ghin HL, Fahim G. P T. 2018 Jul;43(7):423-428. PMID: 30013300; PMCID: PMC6027853.

Tulsi Shah, Pharm.D.

Tulsi Shah, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Examining the clinical outcomes of inpatients and outpatients treated with aripiprazole once-monthly, a long-acting injectable antipsychotic. Shah T, Maroney M, Patel K, Mathis AS, Fahim G, Lee Ghin H.

Class of 2016

Alyssa GallipaniAlyssa Gallipani, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Adverse effect profile comparison of pain regimens with and without intravenous acetaminophen in total hip and knee arthroplasty patients.Gallipani A, Mathis AS, Lee Ghin H, Fahim G.SAGE Open Med. 2017 Mar 17;5:2050312117699146. doi:10.1177/2050312117699146. eCollection 2017. PMID: 28507734 Free PMC Article

Marija MarkovicMarija Markovic, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: A Comparison of Medication Histories Obtained by a Pharmacy Technician Versus Nurses in the Emergency Department. Markovic M, Mathis AS, Ghin HL, Gardiner M, Fahim G. P T. 2017 Jan;42(1):41-46. PMID: 28090164 Free PMC Article

Class of 2015

Yuchen WangYuchen Wang, Pharm.D.
Residency Project: Adductor Canal Block With Bupivacaine Liposome Versus Ropivacaine Pain Ball for Pain Control in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Wang Y, Klein MS, Mathis S, Fahim G. Ann Pharmacother. 2016 Mar;50(3):194-202. doi: 10.1177/1060028015626161. Epub 2016 Jan 18. PMID: 26783357